About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Counting Down to Vacation

Only 3 more work days until vacation starts, and I am certainly ready. This will be my first vacation since I came back to work at the law firm almost 4 years ago. The most I've taken off up until now was 3 days off during Logan's spring break. I'm taking off all next week and we're staying at the huge cabin in Pigeon Forge with Artie's family. Artie is dreading it so bad, bless his heart. He's so disappointed that our first real vacation in years ended up being "just Pigeon Forge" and not the beach. :( Oh well - I'm just glad to be off for a week - and to be close to SPLASH COUNTRY. LOL
I also have news on the job front. I did give up my 3rd job a few weeks ago and honestly don't miss it at all. I have also taken a temporary leave from my 2nd job to see how I like only working one job. Of course, that one job is a killer - lots of hours and lots of stress. I am just getting tired of working all the time, even though it means extra money and extra opportunities for us, it's very hard on me physically and mentally.
Mom and I are going to Spa Visage Saturday for 90-minute massages, and I can hardly wait. It's mom's first massage ever - can you believe it? I think it will be a great kick-off to my vacation. After that, Artie, Logan and I are taking off to Pigeon Forge to stay Saturday & Sunday night just the 3 of us before his family starts arriving on Monday. We can never get a minute alone with Logan anymore because his friends are constantly over at our house. I'm glad he has a lot of friends, but I'm also looking forward to some family time, just the 3 of us. (Well, the 4 of us counting Bonnie).


  1. Man, I wish my vacation was in 3 working days! You stink!! I get to wait till September...Artie cracks me up...we are thrilled to death for a cabin in the Smokies for a whole week! Just goes to show that different people have a different way of relaxing and enjoying their free time! This is the only way I can get Drew to really relax and get away from it all...to seclude him :-)

    I hope you all have a good time. Logan must be turned like you to have all those friends...your soo cute and funny!

    Love ya!

  2. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing massage and also an absolutely fun, full of laughs, great vacation! Barb
