About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Hello, I’m still here. I promised my friend, Kim, that I would do my best to blog over the weekend, but I didn’t quite make it. I have been MIA for over four months on my blog, but I haven’t forgotten about it. I am currently going through some sort of phase in my life where I want to purge everything. I don’t mean the bingeing/purging of food, but of things. Finally, my shopaholism and excessive nature have caught up with me and I want to pare down to much, much less. I started in closets and got rid of at least six bins of our clothes. Logan had 72 American Eagle t-shirts, JUST that one brand alone, not counting all of his other t-shirts. That is an example of EXCESS! One thing I am very proud of is that I cleaned out and purged my scrapbook supplies. I have sold several big items on ebay from my scrap room and currently have four more bins of scrap stuff ready to go in the scrap store yard sale in September. I have found old phones and thrown them out. I have hauled bags and boxes of trash to the curb for the trash man to pick up. I have sold almost $1,000.00 on ebay, with a few more things to go. Bless Mom’s heart, she has carted bins and boxes to work and back and sold over $650.00 of stuff for me! All of that money has gone straight into savings. There are no ulterior motives for my cleaning out, just want to get rid of things. I am so embarrassed by the amount of things we have collected in our home that we don’t wear, use, or eat. I have donated some things and am selling others. It feels so good!! I’m hoping this will be the new me, instead of the buy, buy, buy Kim that everyone is so used to. Some people have asked me if we’re having money issues and need to sell things – No. Others have asked if Artie & I are having problems and dividing up our stuff – No, how ridiculous! We wouldn’t mind moving to a smaller house eventually, or maybe even a condo downtown – to be close to Logan’s new school. But that is not in the immediate future. We are just cleaning out. Let me give you an example: I had 3 transcribing machines from my previous work doing transcription for doctors and others. One of them was still in the box where I bought it and never needed it. These machines have been stuck in the bottom of a cabinet in our last two homes, collecting dust and space. I just sold two of them on ebay for $200.00 and still have one auction going. $200.00 for things that were in the bottom of a cabinet! What’s not to love about that?! Why don’t you try it? It feels really good and you can even make money with some of your unnecessary things!