About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Hello, I’m still here. I promised my friend, Kim, that I would do my best to blog over the weekend, but I didn’t quite make it. I have been MIA for over four months on my blog, but I haven’t forgotten about it. I am currently going through some sort of phase in my life where I want to purge everything. I don’t mean the bingeing/purging of food, but of things. Finally, my shopaholism and excessive nature have caught up with me and I want to pare down to much, much less. I started in closets and got rid of at least six bins of our clothes. Logan had 72 American Eagle t-shirts, JUST that one brand alone, not counting all of his other t-shirts. That is an example of EXCESS! One thing I am very proud of is that I cleaned out and purged my scrapbook supplies. I have sold several big items on ebay from my scrap room and currently have four more bins of scrap stuff ready to go in the scrap store yard sale in September. I have found old phones and thrown them out. I have hauled bags and boxes of trash to the curb for the trash man to pick up. I have sold almost $1,000.00 on ebay, with a few more things to go. Bless Mom’s heart, she has carted bins and boxes to work and back and sold over $650.00 of stuff for me! All of that money has gone straight into savings. There are no ulterior motives for my cleaning out, just want to get rid of things. I am so embarrassed by the amount of things we have collected in our home that we don’t wear, use, or eat. I have donated some things and am selling others. It feels so good!! I’m hoping this will be the new me, instead of the buy, buy, buy Kim that everyone is so used to. Some people have asked me if we’re having money issues and need to sell things – No. Others have asked if Artie & I are having problems and dividing up our stuff – No, how ridiculous! We wouldn’t mind moving to a smaller house eventually, or maybe even a condo downtown – to be close to Logan’s new school. But that is not in the immediate future. We are just cleaning out. Let me give you an example: I had 3 transcribing machines from my previous work doing transcription for doctors and others. One of them was still in the box where I bought it and never needed it. These machines have been stuck in the bottom of a cabinet in our last two homes, collecting dust and space. I just sold two of them on ebay for $200.00 and still have one auction going. $200.00 for things that were in the bottom of a cabinet! What’s not to love about that?! Why don’t you try it? It feels really good and you can even make money with some of your unnecessary things!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

If I Won the Lottery

Do you ever sit & fantasize about winning the lottery? I mean, yes, I know we have all figuratively won some type of "lottery" already - whether it be in the love of our lives, the blessing of our children, an amazing health story, or whatever it may be. And I certainly don't make light of THOSE winnings ...
However, on a lighter note I do sit and think sometimes, what if I won the lottery? What would I do with it? Sometimes if I'm really bored, I'll even make a LIST. HA! I admitted it, how embarrassing!
I like to think that the first thing I would do is TITHE (at least 10% right off the top, right?) I vacillate between giving it all to my church, or some to the church and some to fund Alzheimer's research. I think about starting a foundation that would do some good in the community, maybe turning an empty Walmart or Bi-Lo into a FUN, Christian environment for teens and tweens to hang out, eat out, listen to music, play video games, and be supervised by youth leaders.
After the tithing, of course I would pay off any debts, including our home. I would set up a college fund and a trust for Logan so he would never have to worry about money. I would consult a trustworthy financial planner to see how much I needed to set aside for the future and for retirement so I wouldn't end up on one of those TV shows about "Lottery Winner to Homeless in 24 Hours."
After tithing and setting money aside for the future, then I would start SPENDING! lol I would buy my mom and my in-laws each a nice condo where they could live in comfort and not have to worry about the upkeep of a home anymore. My dear mother-in-law and father-in-law are 70 and 80 years old, respectively, and they still get out and mow their own grass and several yards around them, too! I would make sure they never had to worry about anything so they could enjoy their golden years!
I would put my nieces through college and set up trusts for them so they could have a great start into adulthood.
I would buy a condo in Clearwater Beach so I could visit my favorite spot whenever I wanted! I would travel to the places I want to see before I die, but probably never will, such as Spain, Greece, Ireland, Scotland, and Italy (and Hawaii).
I would fund some type of strong ANTI-BULLYING legislation and be a champion of that cause. Fortunately, Logan promises me often that he has not been the victim of bullying, but I see it too much in the news and I really have such a tender spot for all those kids whose clothes aren't the latest style or their parents don't make enough money, or they are overweight or from a different culture. I could preach on this topic for hours, but let me move on...
Of course, I would quit this job that kills my spirit daily, but I would want some type of work or activity to keep my mind sharp.
I would fund our church's food pantry program so that we could feed thousands instead of hundreds of people each month.
I would get one more plastic surgery procedure done. (giggle)
I would probably buy a house with a bigger closet and a 3-car garage since Logan will be driving soon.
I have friends with financial needs - hospital bills, vehicles that have broken down for the last time, and I would try to help as many as I could.
I would definitely go on some mission trips. We have talked about doing this many times, but I cannot get extended time off from work and my boss does not understand the desire to do missions.
And contrary to all the good I want to do ... I might, maybe, also buy a Range Rover.

What would YOU do?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pinterest Addiction

Oh. My. Goodness. Have you joined Pinterest yet? (www.pinterest.com) It is so cool and SO addicting! You can create online bulletin boards and pin items to them from anywhere on the web. You can also take photos and pin those to your boards. I recently found a site, www.polyvore.com, where you can put outfits together piece by piece and save them. I love this site also.
I have gotten great recipes from Pinterest, as well as cute craft and scrap page ideas, clothes & shoes ideas, vacation destinations, workout motivation, all kinds of things. I usually get on every night from my iPad and pin away. It’s very fun and to me it seems less “dangerous” than Facebook. I have noticed over the past few months that some people’s Facebook posts annoy me greatly – “it’s a status after all, not a diary.” (I saw that quote on Pinterest, by the way).
I also like to see what my friends are pinning. One friend recently pinned a bunch of great front doors. I don’t know if she is shopping for a new door, but just looking at all the beautiful front doors was so peaceful to me. What’s beyond those doors? A beautiful home? Chaos? I enjoyed the possibilities in my head. (Yes, I do have a therapist, thank you).
I think Pinterest is inspirational. At least it is for me, with what I have been going through lately. It gives me motivation and hope – hope for a great trip or a steady stream of great workouts. Hope for a cute outfit that makes me look like I have some style. Hope that I may actually learn how to cook one day. And after all, who wants to live without hope?
Of course, my greatest hope of all is THE HOPE, Jesus. He is the greatest inspiration of all. ☺
If you haven’t tried Pinterest, you should definitely check it out!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Menu Planning

Okay, let's lighten the mood up a little bit from my last couple of posts.

There is one thing I've been doing lately that I AM proud of, and that is menu planning. I got SO SICK of asking Artie every day around lunchtime, "what's for dinner tonight?" That usually ended up with us picking up takeout for dinner. Not a healthy choice for either our bodies or our budget! Plus I tend to get sick of the same old takeout after a while. Logan could eat a Wendy's baconator every day of the week, but not me.
So I decided to try menu planning, and we've been doing it faithfully for about the last three weeks. During the week when I am bored (or frustrated) at work, I check out my recipes on Pinterest or look up recipes online. I make a list of possible meal ideas. I usually choose two crock pot meals so that on Tuesdays and Thursdays when Artie works and isn't home to cook, I can put something in the crock pot in the mornings before I leave for work and it's done by the time he gets home. He can just whip up a couple of sides and voila, dinner by the time I finally drag into the house.
Usually on Fridays I make a list of meals for the following Monday - Friday and a grocery list to match. I then post it on the fridge so we know what needs to be laid out to thaw, etc. On Mondays and Fridays, Artie is usually responsible for cooking something. On Wednesdays, Artie has class and usually Logan & I go to the Y to work out, then come home and eat a sandwich or a quick frozen meal. On the weekends I've been trying to make a soup or something else that we can eat all weekend.
So far this is working out really well. Planning ahead is MORE than half the battle when it comes to weeknight meals.
I've had a couple of crock pot recipes that failed, but you never know until you try. I've never been a good cook, so this is giving me a chance to make easy dinners in the crock pot and contribute to the kitchen duties. Overall, it's working out well for all of us. Except maybe Logan, who misses the baconators.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Living with Our Choices

During my recent “mid-life crisis” I have dwelled a lot on the choices I have made and where those choices have taken me. I am living a life right now that is the result of choices I made months or years ago. Never take a decision lightly, because you never know what the consequences of that decision will be later on in life.
One of my MANY poor choices was to not take care of my body. After Artie & I got married, we ate whatever we wanted whenever we wanted and did not exercise at all. We developed habits in those early years that have stuck with us, and in the past two years, we have had weight loss surgeries and plastic surgeries to try to get back some of the healthy bodies we wasted away. We have spent over $58,000.00 on surgeries, and all of that could have been avoided by making better food & activity choices for many, many years. What I have learned from this poor choice – take care of you body, it’s the only one you have to get you through this life.
Another poor choice I regret is how I have spent my money over the years. Artie and I had several very difficult financial years during our marriage, and anyone who has ever dealt with money problems can sympathize. It will nearly break you down. Over the last few years, however, we have been truly blessed and by the grace of God have had a much better financial situation. We have a beautiful home and we drive nice cars, one of which is actually paid for in full. We take trips and buy nice things for Logan. We try to help our family as much as we can... But I am a shopaholic. I am an Amazon-aholic. I love to buy things, whether I need them or not. I’ve been working on this problem since the new year and have actually shopped very little. Fortunately, my shopping has not put us in financial trouble, but my regret is that if I had made better money choices and shopped less, where could we be right now? Could Artie have gone back to school earlier and be finished by now? Could our mortgage be paid off? I don’t know what we could have done with all the money I’ve wasted on trivial things.
Probably one of my biggest regrets, as I’ve blogged about before, is the choice that now has me trapped in a miserable job situation. I worked here before Logan was born and was so very blessed to be able to leave here a month before Logan’s birth to take a medical transcription job. I worked from home for four years, but I was undisciplined and did not get enough work done, so I wasn’t making much money. When my former boss, now once again my boss, called and begged me to come back to work here, he caught me at a time when I really needed a more steady income and I agreed to return. That was 10.5 years ago and I have regretted that decision almost every day of that 10.5 years. The only good to come of it has been my relationship with my dear friend, Sara, who also works here. If only I had worked harder at the transcription job when I had the chance … if only I had taken a different job instead of returning to this one … if only if only if only… Now I am stuck here until Artie graduates and gets a nursing job, and then my DREAM is to leave this job and work only part-time or return to transcription from home and do it right this time. I have lost so much time with Logan, years I will never get back, because of the hours I work and the inflexible attitude of my boss. If Logan is sick, Artie takes him to the doctor or stays home with him. If Logan needs picked up or dropped off, Artie does it. Artie takes Logan to school every day. Artie picks Logan up every day. I hate that I am not a bigger participant. I leave my house at 6:20 each morning and arrive back home around 6:00 each night. And I’m not even addressing how it feels to work for the most demanding, narcissistic personality you could possibly meet.
So these items and many more have been the subject of much rumination over the last few months. I have made some poor choices and now I’m living the consequences of those choices. Be very mindful when you are making decisions, whether they seem big or small to you at the time, of how this could affect your future and your family’s future.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mid-Life Crisis

I haven't blogged in a REALLY long time, and some of you have reminded me of that lately. I have really not felt like I had anything of substance to talk about, or anything that you would enjoy reading. I believe I have been going through a mid-life crisis. I'm not really sure what they are supposed to feel like, but I'm pretty sure that's what this is.
I've been in a pretty serious low period of my depression. Depression is a part of my life that I deal with every day, but some days are much worse than others. I do see a therapist weekly and I do take medication, and of course, I pray and seek God's help. But it's an illness just like many others, and it flares up and calms down much like many other sicknesses.
I haven't really blogged because I have so many things to be thankful for and happy about, and it feels really selfish and indulgent to write about my troubles when so many around me have it so much worse. For example, my friend Kim is going through a very difficult and frightening time in her life with her husband's illness, and I can't blog about my job stress or my personal trainer with good conscience while her husband is in the fight of his life. It just seems much too self-absorbed.
I promise I will try to blog more soon. Just keep me in your prayers and please pray for Kim, Todd & Tyler Bloomfield!