I was recently complaining about my weight again and that my diet pills have stopped working. (Adipex prescribed by my real doctor). My husband made the remark that he thinks surgery is about the only option that would work for me now. I've tried diets, pills, plans, exercise (fell off that wagon!), and I always end up back where I started or bigger. I'm not against surgery at all, but I know that our health insurance doesn't cover it so I was not seriously considering it because of the cost involved.
Well, I called last week and made an appointment to attend one of Dr. Steven Boyce's "pre-op seminars" and it's coming up next week. I'm kind of torn because I still don't know how I can afford the surgery. It's approximately $18,000 for lap band surgery (includes hospital fees, etc) and $24,000 for gastric bypass. I'm interested in the lap band surgery because the recovery time is much quicker and I won't have to miss much work. Plus it's easily undone if problems arise. I'm anxious to learn about the lifestyle changes involved after the surgery - I know there are food intake changes, etc. Are they changes I could make myself? I doubt it. I've already had 2 fun-size bags of Peanut M&M's this morning, a pop tart, and now am scarfing down lunch at my desk (chicken quesadilla and fries).
Should I just give up and accept being fat? (or thick, large, voluptuous, whatever term you prefer) I'll be 41 in a couple of months. Am I too old to undergo a procedure purely for "cosmetic reasons?" Actually it's not entirely cosmetic. I'm sure I could breathe better and function better at a lower weight.
Does the fact that surgery seems to be my final option mean I'm a failure at willpower? or motivation? or caring for myself? If I go to the seminar and it seems like a great choice for me, then how can I justify the cost? And more importantly, how can I afford it? Whew... I'm getting tired just thinking about it all.
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