Do you ever sit & fantasize about winning the lottery? I mean, yes, I know we have all figuratively won some type of "lottery" already - whether it be in the love of our lives, the blessing of our children, an amazing health story, or whatever it may be. And I certainly don't make light of THOSE winnings ...
However, on a lighter note I do sit and think sometimes, what if I won the lottery? What would I do with it? Sometimes if I'm really bored, I'll even make a LIST. HA! I admitted it, how embarrassing!
I like to think that the first thing I would do is TITHE (at least 10% right off the top, right?) I vacillate between giving it all to my church, or some to the church and some to fund Alzheimer's research. I think about starting a foundation that would do some good in the community, maybe turning an empty Walmart or Bi-Lo into a FUN, Christian environment for teens and tweens to hang out, eat out, listen to music, play video games, and be supervised by youth leaders.
After the tithing, of course I would pay off any debts, including our home. I would set up a college fund and a trust for Logan so he would never have to worry about money. I would consult a trustworthy financial planner to see how much I needed to set aside for the future and for retirement so I wouldn't end up on one of those TV shows about "Lottery Winner to Homeless in 24 Hours."
After tithing and setting money aside for the future, then I would start SPENDING! lol I would buy my mom and my in-laws each a nice condo where they could live in comfort and not have to worry about the upkeep of a home anymore. My dear mother-in-law and father-in-law are 70 and 80 years old, respectively, and they still get out and mow their own grass and several yards around them, too! I would make sure they never had to worry about anything so they could enjoy their golden years!
I would put my nieces through college and set up trusts for them so they could have a great start into adulthood.
I would buy a condo in Clearwater Beach so I could visit my favorite spot whenever I wanted! I would travel to the places I want to see before I die, but probably never will, such as Spain, Greece, Ireland, Scotland, and Italy (and Hawaii).
I would fund some type of strong ANTI-BULLYING legislation and be a champion of that cause. Fortunately, Logan promises me often that he has not been the victim of bullying, but I see it too much in the news and I really have such a tender spot for all those kids whose clothes aren't the latest style or their parents don't make enough money, or they are overweight or from a different culture. I could preach on this topic for hours, but let me move on...
Of course, I would quit this job that kills my spirit daily, but I would want some type of work or activity to keep my mind sharp.
I would fund our church's food pantry program so that we could feed thousands instead of hundreds of people each month.
I would get one more plastic surgery procedure done. (giggle)
I would probably buy a house with a bigger closet and a 3-car garage since Logan will be driving soon.
I have friends with financial needs - hospital bills, vehicles that have broken down for the last time, and I would try to help as many as I could.
I would definitely go on some mission trips. We have talked about doing this many times, but I cannot get extended time off from work and my boss does not understand the desire to do missions.
And contrary to all the good I want to do ... I might, maybe, also buy a Range Rover.
What would YOU do?
Wow this is so funny cause you going to think im lying but today was an awful day at work and actually last few weeks have been to stressful .But i was working and took a few moments and even said in my thoughts God please let me win the lottery .I would pay offbills and quit work and then help so many family and friends and i would share alot of it.Now should i actually be praying for this im sure not but it was a thought in my head.When I saw your post i had to laugh cause i always tell kenny wish i could win the lottery not only would it benefit us but so many others and he always tell me the same thing Cheryl you have to play to win.well darn .lol