About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Cast Off Day

Well, tomorrow is the day I have been anxiously awaiting for 44 days now - the day I get my last cast off and see my leg again! Well, actually I'm not all THAT anxious to see my leg - I'm sure it's the same fat leg it's always been, with some extra hair (EWWW) and two new scars. But I'm Definitely anxious to get this 20-lb. cast off and wear TWO shoes and get a little more back to normal. Can you believe I've been sleeping downstairs ALONE in a hospital bed in my office for over 6 weeks? And using my cell phone as an alarm clock? I can't. I freeze every night and finally resorted to the Lunesta the doctor gave me to get some rest, but thank goodness for my trusty lap top. It's been my constant companion. Anyway, only about 17 more hours until the big pink fiberglass cast is GONE for GOOD!
Logan is enjoying 3rd grade so far - but it's only been 2-1/2 days. His spelling words are harder this year and now we even have to learn weekly definitions! I know I'm lazy, but I think the school year is rougher on me & Artie than it is on Logan. LOL Logan definitely needs his medication adjusted, but we have to wait until September 1st - Insurance Day!
I had Mom & Dad over for dinner tonight. Don't worry - I didn't cook. Just stopped at KFC and bought a $37 family meal. ($37! For that we could have all gone somewhere good!) I told Mom that with everyone dying around me, I wanted to spend some time with my aging parents in case they keeled over. :( Sad, but true.
While we were eating, one of Dad's teeth just fell right out. It was GROSS. He's lost like 4 teeth off the bottom now and it's kind of disgusting to look at. I'm forcing him to go to the dentist. He said they spend 3 seconds pulling one tooth and charge $4000 and he will just take a bat and bash them over the head. (Mom said to me, "Okay, YOU take him.") LOL Just another day in life with Dad. I got to hear a new word from him tonight too - "whorehopper." Don't ask. LOL
Hey - at least HE doesn't know he's sick, so HE's not stressed about it.

1 comment:

  1. Gross girl..I wouldn't want to see the hair on that leg of yours...LOLOL!!! I am so glad for you to be getting it off though!

    I am glad you got to spend time with your dad. I am sure it is better on you all too that he doesn't know he is sick...you would feel even worse for him. I am still praying for him and your family.

    I love you and hope to see you soon!!!
