Oh what a sad night for me last night … Logan won his basketball game, the first of the “Holiday Tournament,” 28-7. Our team did great, although we were two players short and the five remaining had to play the whole game. Everyone on the team scored at least once except Logan. Near the end of the game they were trying very hard to get Logan a score, passing him the ball and working it to him so he could shoot. Out of three or four shots, he missed all of them. The whole game it was like he was off in la-la land all by himself, not paying attention, not following the action at all. Artie was very frustrated – but then Artie is not very supportive of Logan playing sports anyway. So that brings me to the sad part. I am going to have to accept, despite my tremendous sorrow, that Logan is not going to be an athlete. (sigh) There, I said it ‘out loud.’ This is a painful reality for me for several reasons. #1 – I wanted better for him than what I had. I never had an opportunity to play team sports because of our singing schedule and because my parents didn’t ‘believe’ in sports. So I definitely wanted Logan to have the opportunity to play whatever he wanted to play. #2 – I wanted him to be athletic, again unlike me, so he would not have to worry about weight issues and would always be active and healthy. #3 – So many of his friends are involved in a sport and it takes away a commonality that he will miss as they all grow older together. #4 – If you go to the Halls schools, you are treated like a nobody if you don’t play sports. This becomes more obvious as you get into middle and high school, where the whole jocks, geeks, brains divisions start to occur. I don’t want Logan to be the fat, pasty-white kid who plays video games and has acne!!! Artie says Logan is not a natural at sports and Logan is not a very motivated player, so Artie says why push him to play anything? Just let him be whatever he is going to be… stop trying to make him into something he’s not. My philosophy was to expose him to sports and maybe he would find something he really loved and stick with it. He does love basketball, but not enough to really get involved in the games and get his head in it. He would much rather watch WWE or play video games or Guitar Hero. Am I so wrong to want more than that for him? Am I a ‘stage parent’ if I push him to play sports even though he is not good at it? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh – the difficulties of parenting never stop – the circumstances just change with age.
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