You know that kind of sad feeling you get after the last gift is opened and the last family meal has been eaten? Well, besides feeling incredibly over-stuffed? That’s how I felt this morning. I certainly did not want to get out of my nice, comfy bed to come to work after being off for five days. I did not want the holidays to end yet. We had to drive away and leave half of our family in South Carolina yesterday so we could come back home – in an over-packed car to a messy house. Tonight Logan has a basketball game at 6:00, which means I’ll rush out of here as soon as I can and drive like a maniac all the way home to do a quick-change and head right back out again. Hopefully I’ll be able to accomplish some unpacking tonight and putting away cool new gifts – like jewelry and perfume and books and clothes and new Jim Shore pieces!!
This is a picture of me and two of my five nieces, Daniela (L) and Deann (Middle). Deann is like a daughter to me and Artie! We love our nieces!!
I kind of wonder if this was Dad’s last Christmas. I am not like Mom, I don’t always say “He’s in the end stages…” or “… he probably won’t be here much longer…” . I’ve been an optimist so far – at least as much as I can be. Therapy helps, and it somehow helps that we’ve been through this before, with Mamaw. It is so hard to see him this way, and I know there will be a relief in knowing that he doesn’t suffer anymore and he’s gone on to heaven with his parents and brother. But I still don’t want to imagine a world without my Dad in it, you know? He still looks at me in answer when I say “Dad,” and he still laughs when I do something silly for him. Part of me will go when he goes…
On a happier note, we had a blast in South Carolina. The kids always play until there are more dirty streaks than clean, until they collapse into exhausted sleep at night, sometimes all in a pile together. We had a great bonfire Saturday night and great snacks, fireworks, and karaoke!! Leave it to Cheryl Arthur … Mumma & Papoo’s neighbor. LOL. That is one hilarious lady! We did make it home yesterday in time to watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch.
All in all this was a really good Christmas. I have seen more of my extended family in the last few weeks than I usually do in years, I’ve had a lot of great food, big laughs, and great gifts. And I’ve almost made it through the first day back at work, so … it could be a lot worse.
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