We went to church yesterday with Kristi & Pig. Our first time at church in quite a while. We really enjoyed their church and their pastor. Maybe there is some hope left for us after all...
Mom has been sick for several days with the same horrible cold I've had. She was quite down & out this weekend - several days alone with Dad over the holidays and being sick to boot - it has worn her down. We all spent some time with her on Saturday and Sunday, so hopefully that boosted her spirits a little bit. Home Health is now going to be coming once a week to bathe Dad, so that will help Mom as well. It is harder, MUCH harder now, to change his diapers and bathe him because of his leg being contracted. The bed sore on his hip is also getting worse, according to the Home Health nurse. Please keep him and Mom in your prayers.
We had some really great quality family time this weekend, Artie, Logan & I. We played some board games, watched a few movies, and just generally spent time in the same room with each other. It was VERY nice. Made it very hard to drop Logan off this morning and come to work - I didn't want to be separated from my guys. :( But I am very very thankful for the amount of time we spent together.
I am extremely anxious to get this house issue resolved. I am going to call my attorney this morning and get the ball SHOVED in the right direction. It's been over 4 months now and no hint of a resolution yet. Everyone is getting very antsy, including me. I don't like making 2 house payments, either!
I'm going to make this a good day - even though I'd much rather be home than here.