So this whole process has so far been more difficult than I anticipated. The actual surgery was simple and quick, the time in the hospital wasn't so bad. I really haven't had any major pain except my JP drain was giving me some incisional pain before they pulled it out. The first negative thing I noticed was weakness and extreme fatigue. I know this is probably normal after any surgery and anesthesia, but for the 2 days in the hospital it was all I could do to get up and walk my 100 feet every hour or so and to go to the bathroom and back. I did go home on Wednesday as planned, and as soon as I got home I stopped the pain meds. That made me feel less foggy and lethargic.
The next really negative thing I noticed was that I MOURNED food. I mean, I thought about it non-stop and wanted food so badly, it seemed to me like what drug or alcohol withdrawal would be like. It probably did not help that I was lying around watching a lot of TV, where there are more food ads than anything! This was very severe and lasted three - four days.
I am now day 9 post-op and am feeling a little better. I do not have any real pain, just some minor incisional soreness at my "trocar" sites - the small 1-inch incisions where they placed their laparoscopic equipment. My small drain site has closed, but it is right where the bottom of my bra sits, so wearing a bra for any length of time rubs that area and is quite uncomfortable. My actual tummy "insides" don't seem to hurt at all. In fact, I have wondered more than once if they really did anything in there! LOL I do have occasional twinges of pain if I move a certain way, and one of the dogs accidentally pawed me on my belly button incision yesterday and it stung for quite a while afterwards.
I am not mourning food as badly as I did, but that may be partly because I attempted pureed food yesterday (6 days early!) I know I shouldn't have done this, but I did not have any bad reaction or result from it, thankfully. I pureed some canned chicken in the food processor and mixed it with a little mayo. I ate 1.5 oz. and it was yummy! Today I tried 1.5 oz. of refried beans with a little cheese on top, heated, and the beans were even better than the chicken. However, they do not have as much protein so they are not as good of a selection in that regard. I have not tried to puree and eat any "real" meat yet, as in rotisserie chicken or ground turkey, etc.
Artie has been with me 24/7 and we have certainly enjoyed all the time away from work and life stress. We have just been lying around the house, watching a lot of Lifetime movies! LOL He has been so considerate and is barely eating anything at all in front of me - salads, fruit, and a couple of sandwiches when he does eat. Logan of course, has eaten (microwave) lasagna, pizza, spaghetti and anything else he can get his little hands on. But he mostly eats in his room these days, which I'm not going to complain about until I can have real food again.
I think if someone asked me right now would I do it again, I'd have to say I'm not sure. I know that once the weight really starts coming off in significant amounts I will probably say yes. However, desiring food I can't have, missing those yummy, comforting meals I used to indulge in, and feeling weak all the time are not so great thus far. I have lost 16 lbs. since surgery and 7.5 inches. Artie is helping me measure every 2 weeks. If the weight loss continues, I will soon be seeing numbers on the scale that I have not seen in a VERY long time. When I hit 250, it will be the first time in probably 8 or 9 years. If I make it down to 200, it will be the first time since before Logan was born - 11.5 years ago!
I have a lot of great support - my family has been great, work has been great, and my support group from Dr. Boyce's office, as well as my friend and mentor, Angel. I know I'll get through this rough patch and look back and say what? Of course this was worth it! I am healthier, I look better, I feel better, I can breathe and tie my shoes and SEE MY FEET! LOL
Just an update so far. Keep me in your prayers if you are reading this.
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