Only 3 more work days until vacation starts, and I am certainly ready. This will be my first vacation since I came back to work at the law firm almost 4 years ago. The most I've taken off up until now was 3 days off during Logan's spring break. I'm taking off all next week and we're staying at the huge cabin in Pigeon Forge with Artie's family. Artie is dreading it so bad, bless his heart. He's so disappointed that our first real vacation in years ended up being "just Pigeon Forge" and not the beach. :( Oh well - I'm just glad to be off for a week - and to be close to SPLASH COUNTRY. LOL
I also have news on the job front. I did give up my 3rd job a few weeks ago and honestly don't miss it at all. I have also taken a temporary leave from my 2nd job to see how I like only working one job. Of course, that one job is a killer - lots of hours and lots of stress. I am just getting tired of working all the time, even though it means extra money and extra opportunities for us, it's very hard on me physically and mentally.
Mom and I are going to Spa Visage Saturday for 90-minute massages, and I can hardly wait. It's mom's first massage ever - can you believe it? I think it will be a great kick-off to my vacation. After that, Artie, Logan and I are taking off to Pigeon Forge to stay Saturday & Sunday night just the 3 of us before his family starts arriving on Monday. We can never get a minute alone with Logan anymore because his friends are constantly over at our house. I'm glad he has a lot of friends, but I'm also looking forward to some family time, just the 3 of us. (Well, the 4 of us counting Bonnie).
About this blog
I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Turning 40
Well, my birthday week is coming to a close, and it's been a lot of celebrating and a lot of cake! The big day started off with presents from the office girls and a fabulous lunch at Agave Azul courtesy of the Boss. Steve & Evelyn, Sara & Meryl, and surprise - Barbara - all came to eat lunch with me courtesy of Steve. We had a great time. Then the office girls had cake and ice cream for me in the afternoon - a fabulous "Better than Sex" cake baked by Christy. Wednesday night Artie made my favorite Mexican dinner and had ANOTHER cake for me. He & Logan got me a quesadilla maker and the new James Patterson book - Beach Road - which I read in three nights. (It's terrific, by the way). And Artie is paying for my 90-minute massage at Spa Visage next weekend. I'm taking Mom along for her birthday present, too. :) Thursday night Logan finally stayed with Mom & Dad again - after a long drought of several weeks where he wouldn't stay, so Artie and I had a very romantic evening alone. Friday night Mom & Artie cooked ANOTHER fabulous meal for me - a fish fry - and MORE CAKE! And Saturday, Sara and Barbara took me for their incredible birthday surprise - a girls' day out. We started at the Nail Bar for pedicures and manicures, which was a great new place we had never been. Then we lunched at my choice - Olive Garden at Turkey Creek and had some fabulous food and drinks! The next item on the agenda was supposed to be shopping, but my mommy guilt kicked in when I found out Artie had been called in to work and had Logan with him while dealing with 50 employees. I abandoned my dear girlfriends for a mommy rescue, but then took it easy the rest of the day after that. It's been a lot of fun, a lot of celebrating, and a lot of great gifts. My friends and family made turning 40 a lot easier than I thought it would be. :):)
Monday, June 19, 2006
My Family
Addicted to that Splash Country!

Yes, we went back to Splash Country this weekend, our new favorite hangout. We took another of Logan's friends this time, Andrew, who is the same age as Logan. Andrew wasn't quite as brave as Logan's older friend, Blane - so Artie & I didn't have the same relaxing experience as the first time we went, but it was still a lot of fun. They open one hour early on Saturdays for season-pass holders, so we were there in line at 9:00 a.m. Unfortunately, once we got in the part, only one slide was open until 10:00 a.m., the regular opening time. So that slide got old quick. However, Logan declared around mid-day that he wanted to try Fire Tower Falls, the new 70-foot STEEP plunge. I went with him to stand in line - neither Artie nor I thought Logan would actually follow through. But surprise - he did, which meant since I was at the top of the tower with him, so did I. Other than the wedgie of a lifetime, it was fun - FAST and kind of scary, but fun. Artie rushed over and took his eyes off Andrew long enough to see Logan and me come down the twin slides. He was very proud of Logan and me - usually both chickens - for trying the most "frightening" ride in the park. I don't know if we'll get to go back before vacation in 2 weeks or not, but I hope so. I actually wanted to go back again Sunday, but since it was Father's Day, I let Artie decide how to spend the day. BIG mistake - he chose to spend the day cleaning house. ICK! Needless to say, I cleaned my office and bathroom and then went and got in the pool and floated around alone, unbothered, while Logan played at a friend's house. It was very nice, but Splash Country would have been better.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Splash Country
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Birthday Blues

I think I must be getting the “Birthday Blues” or something. I hadn’t really thought much about my big 40th birthday coming up until the last day or two. I know 40 isn’t OLD, but I like being in my 30s better. LOL
I think my birthday will always be overshadowed now by Hannah’s, which is one day before mine. Her big 1st birthday bash is this weekend at mom’s. But that’s how it should be. Birthdays are about kids, not grown-ups. I told Artie not to get me anything, because I know he’s broke from changing jobs. What do I possibly need anyway? A day off? Can’t buy that! LOL And vacation is coming up in 2-1/2 weeks anyway – woo hoo!!!
Anyway, just feeling my age today I guess. I can still be fabulous at 40, right?
Monday, June 12, 2006
Fun Weekend

I always know I’ve had a good weekend when I’m headed to work on Monday and I can’t remember what’s on my desk from Friday or what’s on the schedule for today. That means I’ve totally “escaped” work over the weekend, and that rarely happens – but it happened this weekend. Friday night we rented a couple of movies and stayed in. Saturday morning early we headed to Splash Country and spent six hours in the water and sun. It was truly a BLAST. I enjoyed every moment of it, and so did Artie, Logan, and his friend, Blane. Saturday night we all 3 fell asleep on the sofa watching another movie. Yesterday we were SO lazy and didn’t even leave the house except Artie went to get a few groceries. We slept in until 10:00 and then later me & Artie still took a two-hour nap while Logan was at a neighbor’s house!! Logan and I were in the pool at 9:30 last night. It was a nice, family weekend and I’m thrilled with myself that I actually wanted to get out of the house and do something (Splash Country was my idea). Here’s to more fun summer weekends where work is totally forgotten!! Hip-hip-hooray!!!
Monday, June 5, 2006
Overdue Update
Okay, okay, I know my blog is behind. I’ve actually been busy living life instead of writing about it and now I’m behind. LOL A few updates: I actually finally quit my third job – transcribing for the private investigator. I had put it off and put it off and finally I just did it. I’m also cutting my hours on job 2 – the medical transcription, but I’m not letting go of it for several reasons. So hopefully I’ll have a little more free time now that I only have 2 jobs (paying jobs, that is).
Also, we had a fantastic yard sale Saturday and were very successful. Even Kristi made money, which never happens. The weather was great, the customers were friendly and bought tons of stuff, and I’m glad it’s over.
Logan and I went to see X-Men III on Friday and took a friend of his. The movie was really good, but had some sad parts. It was very cool to be off on a weekday and let Logan stay home from day care. He really enjoyed the extra play time!
Saturday after the yard sale we went to El Chico’s and took one of Logan’s friends again. We were laughing so hard during lunch that Logan’s friend (Andrew) blew Sprite out his nose and mouth and that made us all laugh even harder. Saturday night about 6 of Logan’s friends came over to swim and had a blast. I made snow cones for everyone to maintain my status as favorite neighborhood mom.
And – believe it or not – we finally have a vacation plan! Artie is much less than thrilled, but I think he’ll come around. We are going to “action-packed Pigeon Forge” for five nights with his family. I’ve booked a big loft apartment for us all right on the Parkway. His parents and his sister are all very excited – Artie is underwhelmed because it’s “just” Pigeon Forge instead of the beach, but I think by the time we try Splash Country, Dollywood, the NASCAR track, putt-putt, bumper boats, outlet shopping and tons of eating out, he’ll feel like it was a “real” vacation after all. J
I’m still neglecting my girlfriends and for that I’m really sorry. But I’m thinking of all of you and hoping you still love me anyway.
Also, we had a fantastic yard sale Saturday and were very successful. Even Kristi made money, which never happens. The weather was great, the customers were friendly and bought tons of stuff, and I’m glad it’s over.
Logan and I went to see X-Men III on Friday and took a friend of his. The movie was really good, but had some sad parts. It was very cool to be off on a weekday and let Logan stay home from day care. He really enjoyed the extra play time!
Saturday after the yard sale we went to El Chico’s and took one of Logan’s friends again. We were laughing so hard during lunch that Logan’s friend (Andrew) blew Sprite out his nose and mouth and that made us all laugh even harder. Saturday night about 6 of Logan’s friends came over to swim and had a blast. I made snow cones for everyone to maintain my status as favorite neighborhood mom.
And – believe it or not – we finally have a vacation plan! Artie is much less than thrilled, but I think he’ll come around. We are going to “action-packed Pigeon Forge” for five nights with his family. I’ve booked a big loft apartment for us all right on the Parkway. His parents and his sister are all very excited – Artie is underwhelmed because it’s “just” Pigeon Forge instead of the beach, but I think by the time we try Splash Country, Dollywood, the NASCAR track, putt-putt, bumper boats, outlet shopping and tons of eating out, he’ll feel like it was a “real” vacation after all. J
I’m still neglecting my girlfriends and for that I’m really sorry. But I’m thinking of all of you and hoping you still love me anyway.
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