As much as I enjoy scrapbooking, it is so hard to find time to actually work on it. I have this great home office that has a dedicated scrapbooking area, a huge table and tons of very well organized supplies. I have a bright lamp to illuminate my work area, at least two ongoing scrapbook projects at all times, and a supportive husband and son who don’t mind losing me to my “creativity” now and then. If I only had the extra time to go with all these other things …. Hmm.
I work until 4:30 or 5:00 on job 1, rush to pick up Logan and get home, change clothes, check the mail, and start on job 2 as soon as Artie gets home. Then I work on job 2 from 6:00 until 8:00 while Artie makes dinner, picks up the house, and deals with homework and the gaggle of friends coming in and out of the house all evening. After that I try to reacquaint myself with my husband and son for a few minutes, and at 9:00 we all head to bed and Logan time until 9:30 or 10:00. Saturdays I work from 8:00 until noon and then its errand time. Sundays is supposed to be for church … we’re trying to get back on that routine. So … anybody got any ideas for me on how to squeeze in scrapbook time?
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