Well, it's been four weeks since my surgery. I can't believe how fast this first month has gone by. I went back for my one-month postop appointment yesterday and I've lost 40 lbs now. Isn't that incredible? 40 lbs in one month. I still feel like I have so far to go, though. I saw pictures of myself from Christmas and to me I still look like the same old fat Kim as always.
I was delighted to learn yesterday that I can now advance to Phase 3 of the diet, which means no more pureed food! I can eat regular food (proteins and veggies only) and can increase from 1.5 oz per meal to up to 3 oz per meal (preferably 2 oz of protein and 1 oz of veggies). I am excited about this - I get to CHEW finally. :)
The dietitian noted in my food journal that we seemed to eat out a lot. I told her this was an ongoing issue for me. She suggested planning meals more in advance so we don't have to fall back on dining out as an option. I told her about my horrible Sonic experience of trying to puree a cheeseburger. She said we will get sick from those fried or fast foods more quickly than anything else.
On Christmas Day I did overeat at Mumma's. I had turkey, okra, a few green beans, and one tiny teaspoon of mac & cheese. As I was eating I began to feel full very quickly. (Total food on my plate MIGHT have been 4-5 oz). Immediately after the last bite I had to run to the bathroom, where I did throw up some. It took about an hour to feel normal again. I felt very tired and queasy and like a rock was in my stomach for at least an hour. After that experience, I do NOT want to overeat again - ever!! It was very unpleasant.
I managed to catch a nasty cold while in SC. I was freezing the whole time we were there, plus two or three of them already had a cold. I'm sick of taking pills, between cold meds, vitamins, regular meds, etc!! I am taking 19 pills per day, not counting the cold medicine! Good grief!
We had a good Christmas - Logan seemed very happy with his gifts, and we had fun at our house with Mom, Kristi, Pig & Hannah on Wednesday night. Our trip to SC was good and we hated to leave. I certainly dreaded coming back to work today after 5 days off, but if I can make it through today and tomorrow I'll be off again for 4 more days! Woo Hoo!! I just love the family time at home.
About this blog
I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
3.5 Weeks Out
Nothing really new to report. The pureed food is still going fairly well. I ate the wrong thing (filling of a Taco Bell taco) the other night and had my first real "clumping" experience. It was like really bad heartburn. Today after lunch I had a different clumping experience with extreme nausea. I think I overate, I may have measured out more than 1.5 oz of the wonderful turkey chili that Artie made, or I may have added too much cheese on top. Either way it wasn't pleasant. I felt like I was going to throw up any second, but when I ran to the bathroom I couldn't throw up. It was very unpleasant and I still feel icky, 2 hours later. There are so many little tiny adjustments, but we have our RULE OF 4: If we clump or dump, it was because we ate: Too fast, too much, too dry, or the wrong food.
I'm down 36 lbs. now. I bought a new comfy set for Christmas at Old Navy and it was a 2x and fits really well, even the pants are loose. I'm surprised seeing as how a 3x was tight just a few weeks ago. I'm anxious to see the first 50 lbs. disappear. I will be lower than I've been in at least 8 years at that point.
I'm certainly ready for this very long work day to be over because we are having Christmas at my house tonight with Mom & Kristi. I'm excited about that. Of course the boss is in his usual Scrooge mood, so that makes the day even longer.
I will share this embarrassing story. I was craving tater tots yesterday. Artie was taking the dogs to the kennel for Christmas boarding, so I told him I'd pick up dinner. I went to Sonic and got them burgers & hot dogs, so I got me a burger & tater tots. I went home, stuck it all in the food processor and pureed it. Yep, a cheeseburger and 3 tater tots. IT WAS NASTY!! It tasted all greasy and gross. I ate a few bites and threw it away. I don't know if it was because it was pureed or because I just won't like greasy food anymore, but it was NASTY. I don't think I'll be craving tater tots for a very long time!! (and I shouldn't be attempting to eat this fast food anyway, but we all have to learn one way or another).
Looking forward to the next 5 days off work and spending time with family!! Merry Christmas!
I'm down 36 lbs. now. I bought a new comfy set for Christmas at Old Navy and it was a 2x and fits really well, even the pants are loose. I'm surprised seeing as how a 3x was tight just a few weeks ago. I'm anxious to see the first 50 lbs. disappear. I will be lower than I've been in at least 8 years at that point.
I'm certainly ready for this very long work day to be over because we are having Christmas at my house tonight with Mom & Kristi. I'm excited about that. Of course the boss is in his usual Scrooge mood, so that makes the day even longer.
I will share this embarrassing story. I was craving tater tots yesterday. Artie was taking the dogs to the kennel for Christmas boarding, so I told him I'd pick up dinner. I went to Sonic and got them burgers & hot dogs, so I got me a burger & tater tots. I went home, stuck it all in the food processor and pureed it. Yep, a cheeseburger and 3 tater tots. IT WAS NASTY!! It tasted all greasy and gross. I ate a few bites and threw it away. I don't know if it was because it was pureed or because I just won't like greasy food anymore, but it was NASTY. I don't think I'll be craving tater tots for a very long time!! (and I shouldn't be attempting to eat this fast food anyway, but we all have to learn one way or another).
Looking forward to the next 5 days off work and spending time with family!! Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
2.5 Weeks Out
Well, I am now 17 days post-op and today was my first post-op doctor's appointment. I saw the nurse only, and she basically just weighed me and asked me a lot of questions, checked my incisions, etc. I go back on the 28th for my follow-up with the dietician and will probably be advanced to Phase 3 (real food!) at that time (per the nurse today).
Phase 2, the pureed foods, is going fairly well. The foods are a little bland and boring. So far my favorite has been spaghetti sauce made with ground turkey and Hunt's canned sauce, with a little parmesan cheese melted in. I also enjoyed some Jenny-O turkey shredded in the processor with a little mayo mixed in. Last night we went to IHOP for Kristi's birthday dinner, and I ate a few bites of egg & cheese omelet. That was really good and I did not have any ill effects as a result. Of course, eggs are on our puree menu, but that was my first restaurant food since surgery. I was surprised at how little I could eat.
At my weigh-in this morning I had lost 31 lbs since surgery. I suppose that's pretty good for 17 days, huh? Almost 2 lbs per day. My energy level is still low and on Tuesday night this week, I came home from work and was in bed asleep by 7:30 p.m.! And did not wake up until the next morning, either. I am trying very hard to get in my required 64 oz of fluid, 60 grams of protein, and at the minimum 30 grams of carbs per day, but that is a lot harder than it might sound.
My pants are getting very loose in the waist, and I was able to cut the tags off some pants that Artie bought me for Christmas about 2 years ago that I had never been able to wear - and wear them to work Monday.
I know this all might seem fast to the reader, but it seems minute-by-minute to me. I never get hungry, though. I still think about food, but not nearly as bad as those first several days. I do look forward to starting on real foods! I think the small portions will be a breeze as long as I can CHEW something! LOL
I survived Kristi's 40th birthday party with a ton of YUMMY hors d'oeuvres in front of me - but barely. That was probably one of the worst days/nights I've had since surgery. Of course, the food - and it didn't help that ARtie and I were responsible for the food. Then the fact that I had been up and worked all day since 7:00 a.m. and the party was still going at 10:00 p.m.!! I almost passed out at one point, how embarrassing. But the party was a great success and Kristi was shocked and thrilled, so it was worth it.
Tonight is my first support group meeting since surgery. I am tired, and still have therapy before support group, but am looking forward to it nonetheless. I definitely look forward to a few more days off over the holidays. Maybe eventually I will get that burst of energy that so many have talked about.
Keep me in your prayers.
Phase 2, the pureed foods, is going fairly well. The foods are a little bland and boring. So far my favorite has been spaghetti sauce made with ground turkey and Hunt's canned sauce, with a little parmesan cheese melted in. I also enjoyed some Jenny-O turkey shredded in the processor with a little mayo mixed in. Last night we went to IHOP for Kristi's birthday dinner, and I ate a few bites of egg & cheese omelet. That was really good and I did not have any ill effects as a result. Of course, eggs are on our puree menu, but that was my first restaurant food since surgery. I was surprised at how little I could eat.
At my weigh-in this morning I had lost 31 lbs since surgery. I suppose that's pretty good for 17 days, huh? Almost 2 lbs per day. My energy level is still low and on Tuesday night this week, I came home from work and was in bed asleep by 7:30 p.m.! And did not wake up until the next morning, either. I am trying very hard to get in my required 64 oz of fluid, 60 grams of protein, and at the minimum 30 grams of carbs per day, but that is a lot harder than it might sound.
My pants are getting very loose in the waist, and I was able to cut the tags off some pants that Artie bought me for Christmas about 2 years ago that I had never been able to wear - and wear them to work Monday.
I know this all might seem fast to the reader, but it seems minute-by-minute to me. I never get hungry, though. I still think about food, but not nearly as bad as those first several days. I do look forward to starting on real foods! I think the small portions will be a breeze as long as I can CHEW something! LOL
I survived Kristi's 40th birthday party with a ton of YUMMY hors d'oeuvres in front of me - but barely. That was probably one of the worst days/nights I've had since surgery. Of course, the food - and it didn't help that ARtie and I were responsible for the food. Then the fact that I had been up and worked all day since 7:00 a.m. and the party was still going at 10:00 p.m.!! I almost passed out at one point, how embarrassing. But the party was a great success and Kristi was shocked and thrilled, so it was worth it.
Tonight is my first support group meeting since surgery. I am tired, and still have therapy before support group, but am looking forward to it nonetheless. I definitely look forward to a few more days off over the holidays. Maybe eventually I will get that burst of energy that so many have talked about.
Keep me in your prayers.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
One Week Post-Op
So this whole process has so far been more difficult than I anticipated. The actual surgery was simple and quick, the time in the hospital wasn't so bad. I really haven't had any major pain except my JP drain was giving me some incisional pain before they pulled it out. The first negative thing I noticed was weakness and extreme fatigue. I know this is probably normal after any surgery and anesthesia, but for the 2 days in the hospital it was all I could do to get up and walk my 100 feet every hour or so and to go to the bathroom and back. I did go home on Wednesday as planned, and as soon as I got home I stopped the pain meds. That made me feel less foggy and lethargic.
The next really negative thing I noticed was that I MOURNED food. I mean, I thought about it non-stop and wanted food so badly, it seemed to me like what drug or alcohol withdrawal would be like. It probably did not help that I was lying around watching a lot of TV, where there are more food ads than anything! This was very severe and lasted three - four days.
I am now day 9 post-op and am feeling a little better. I do not have any real pain, just some minor incisional soreness at my "trocar" sites - the small 1-inch incisions where they placed their laparoscopic equipment. My small drain site has closed, but it is right where the bottom of my bra sits, so wearing a bra for any length of time rubs that area and is quite uncomfortable. My actual tummy "insides" don't seem to hurt at all. In fact, I have wondered more than once if they really did anything in there! LOL I do have occasional twinges of pain if I move a certain way, and one of the dogs accidentally pawed me on my belly button incision yesterday and it stung for quite a while afterwards.
I am not mourning food as badly as I did, but that may be partly because I attempted pureed food yesterday (6 days early!) I know I shouldn't have done this, but I did not have any bad reaction or result from it, thankfully. I pureed some canned chicken in the food processor and mixed it with a little mayo. I ate 1.5 oz. and it was yummy! Today I tried 1.5 oz. of refried beans with a little cheese on top, heated, and the beans were even better than the chicken. However, they do not have as much protein so they are not as good of a selection in that regard. I have not tried to puree and eat any "real" meat yet, as in rotisserie chicken or ground turkey, etc.
Artie has been with me 24/7 and we have certainly enjoyed all the time away from work and life stress. We have just been lying around the house, watching a lot of Lifetime movies! LOL He has been so considerate and is barely eating anything at all in front of me - salads, fruit, and a couple of sandwiches when he does eat. Logan of course, has eaten (microwave) lasagna, pizza, spaghetti and anything else he can get his little hands on. But he mostly eats in his room these days, which I'm not going to complain about until I can have real food again.
I think if someone asked me right now would I do it again, I'd have to say I'm not sure. I know that once the weight really starts coming off in significant amounts I will probably say yes. However, desiring food I can't have, missing those yummy, comforting meals I used to indulge in, and feeling weak all the time are not so great thus far. I have lost 16 lbs. since surgery and 7.5 inches. Artie is helping me measure every 2 weeks. If the weight loss continues, I will soon be seeing numbers on the scale that I have not seen in a VERY long time. When I hit 250, it will be the first time in probably 8 or 9 years. If I make it down to 200, it will be the first time since before Logan was born - 11.5 years ago!
I have a lot of great support - my family has been great, work has been great, and my support group from Dr. Boyce's office, as well as my friend and mentor, Angel. I know I'll get through this rough patch and look back and say what? Of course this was worth it! I am healthier, I look better, I feel better, I can breathe and tie my shoes and SEE MY FEET! LOL
Just an update so far. Keep me in your prayers if you are reading this.
The next really negative thing I noticed was that I MOURNED food. I mean, I thought about it non-stop and wanted food so badly, it seemed to me like what drug or alcohol withdrawal would be like. It probably did not help that I was lying around watching a lot of TV, where there are more food ads than anything! This was very severe and lasted three - four days.
I am now day 9 post-op and am feeling a little better. I do not have any real pain, just some minor incisional soreness at my "trocar" sites - the small 1-inch incisions where they placed their laparoscopic equipment. My small drain site has closed, but it is right where the bottom of my bra sits, so wearing a bra for any length of time rubs that area and is quite uncomfortable. My actual tummy "insides" don't seem to hurt at all. In fact, I have wondered more than once if they really did anything in there! LOL I do have occasional twinges of pain if I move a certain way, and one of the dogs accidentally pawed me on my belly button incision yesterday and it stung for quite a while afterwards.
I am not mourning food as badly as I did, but that may be partly because I attempted pureed food yesterday (6 days early!) I know I shouldn't have done this, but I did not have any bad reaction or result from it, thankfully. I pureed some canned chicken in the food processor and mixed it with a little mayo. I ate 1.5 oz. and it was yummy! Today I tried 1.5 oz. of refried beans with a little cheese on top, heated, and the beans were even better than the chicken. However, they do not have as much protein so they are not as good of a selection in that regard. I have not tried to puree and eat any "real" meat yet, as in rotisserie chicken or ground turkey, etc.
Artie has been with me 24/7 and we have certainly enjoyed all the time away from work and life stress. We have just been lying around the house, watching a lot of Lifetime movies! LOL He has been so considerate and is barely eating anything at all in front of me - salads, fruit, and a couple of sandwiches when he does eat. Logan of course, has eaten (microwave) lasagna, pizza, spaghetti and anything else he can get his little hands on. But he mostly eats in his room these days, which I'm not going to complain about until I can have real food again.
I think if someone asked me right now would I do it again, I'd have to say I'm not sure. I know that once the weight really starts coming off in significant amounts I will probably say yes. However, desiring food I can't have, missing those yummy, comforting meals I used to indulge in, and feeling weak all the time are not so great thus far. I have lost 16 lbs. since surgery and 7.5 inches. Artie is helping me measure every 2 weeks. If the weight loss continues, I will soon be seeing numbers on the scale that I have not seen in a VERY long time. When I hit 250, it will be the first time in probably 8 or 9 years. If I make it down to 200, it will be the first time since before Logan was born - 11.5 years ago!
I have a lot of great support - my family has been great, work has been great, and my support group from Dr. Boyce's office, as well as my friend and mentor, Angel. I know I'll get through this rough patch and look back and say what? Of course this was worth it! I am healthier, I look better, I feel better, I can breathe and tie my shoes and SEE MY FEET! LOL
Just an update so far. Keep me in your prayers if you are reading this.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Okay, so liquid diets are NOT FUN. I am starving. Every food that has been heated up at the office for lunch today smells amazing - even Steve's broccoli and cauliflower steamer. Artie had been on the pre-op diet with me, but he called this afternoon to say he "cheated" and ate lunch. On the bright side, he's lost 8 lbs in 2 days and I've lost 7, so obviously the shakes are working.
Logan's band concert last night was very cute. The music was better than I expected and he looked adorable in his white shirt, tie, and black dress pants. I can't believe he's getting so "mature" - at least in appearance. LOL
Oh well, back to my shake.
Logan's band concert last night was very cute. The music was better than I expected and he looked adorable in his white shirt, tie, and black dress pants. I can't believe he's getting so "mature" - at least in appearance. LOL
Oh well, back to my shake.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Countdown to Surgery
13 days now until surgery. Countdown time! I started the liquid diet yesterday and boy, I'm starving! I didn't realize how much my day/thoughts revolved around food until now. I apparently start thinking about "what's for dinner?" at around 11 or 12 every day. LOL And this week it's protein shakes for dinner .. and breakfast .. and lunch ...
I had my pre-op visit with Dr. Boyce's office yesterday, and registered at Parkwest. What a nice hospital and staff! I toured the bariatric wing and Jessica, the hospital coordinator, was very nice to give me an impromptu tour! The rooms seem large and comfortable.
I am getting nervous about the upcoming events. Partly because of being operated on; partly because of stress at work and worries about being out; partly because of this liquid diet. At least I do get to eat real food on Thanksgiving Day.
Tonight Logan has his very first band concert. He is very excited about it. I can't wait to see him perform.
I had my pre-op visit with Dr. Boyce's office yesterday, and registered at Parkwest. What a nice hospital and staff! I toured the bariatric wing and Jessica, the hospital coordinator, was very nice to give me an impromptu tour! The rooms seem large and comfortable.
I am getting nervous about the upcoming events. Partly because of being operated on; partly because of stress at work and worries about being out; partly because of this liquid diet. At least I do get to eat real food on Thanksgiving Day.
Tonight Logan has his very first band concert. He is very excited about it. I can't wait to see him perform.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Looking Forward
I can't believe it's only 4 weeks from Monday until my surgery. This has been such a long time coming! My life is going to change for the better in so many ways! I am really looking forward to it!
We had dinner at Mom's last night so Hannah could show off her Batgirl costume to the family. She looked ADORABLE!! It was such a cute costume and she is such a cute girl anyway.
Hopefully it will not start raining tonight until late so we can go to the Haunted Forest. We haven't been yet this year and I love to go. Plus we are singing at Dante on Sunday night, so it would be TWO chances to see my Dante pals.
I am struggling through another day at work of feeling sluggish and tired. I have work to do, but it's not stimulating my mind enough to keep me super-awake and focused. I swear I think I could sleep for a week and still feel tired. I certainly hope the weight loss from the surgery will make this exhausted feeling go away.
We had dinner at Mom's last night so Hannah could show off her Batgirl costume to the family. She looked ADORABLE!! It was such a cute costume and she is such a cute girl anyway.
Hopefully it will not start raining tonight until late so we can go to the Haunted Forest. We haven't been yet this year and I love to go. Plus we are singing at Dante on Sunday night, so it would be TWO chances to see my Dante pals.
I am struggling through another day at work of feeling sluggish and tired. I have work to do, but it's not stimulating my mind enough to keep me super-awake and focused. I swear I think I could sleep for a week and still feel tired. I certainly hope the weight loss from the surgery will make this exhausted feeling go away.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Gastric Bypass Surgery
After a lot of research and doctor appointments and prayer and saving money, Artie and I decided together that I would undergo gastric bypass surgery. I chose to use Dr. Stephen Boyce as my surgeon and am very comfortable with him and his staff and their very comprehensive program. My surgery is scheduled for November 30th. I will be attending a lengthy preoperative diet class in about two weeks to go over my new eating habits and postoperative care.
I am very excited about this opportunity to change my health and my life in such a huge way. I have been overweight for so long now that I don't remember how it feels to be a normal weight and not have the weight-related health issues such as high blood pressure, sleep apnea, joint pain, back pain, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, etc. I am too young to feel so old!
Please pray for me as I undergo this dramatic life change. Hopefully I will be able to impact Artie and Logan and the rest of my family in a positive way and improve their health, as well.
Dad passed away on June 11, 2009. It was a very peaceful passing, with Mom, Kristi, Pig, Artie and me around his bedside. Everyone else had just left for the night and the kids and Aunt Connie were in other rooms preparing for bed. We saw a light in his eyes and knew he was seeing the lights of home. (There were no lights on in the room).
He has a beautiful tombstone at Emory Pike Cemetary with a lighthouse engraved on it. But he's not there - he's in a MUCH better place!
He has a beautiful tombstone at Emory Pike Cemetary with a lighthouse engraved on it. But he's not there - he's in a MUCH better place!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Last Goodbye
So Dad's main hospice nurse called last night and told us we needed to say our final goodbyes to Dad. They are starting him on a morhpine drip today and said that he probably will be asleep after that until he passes. What heartbreaking news. Basically they told us that he is suffering and in pain, even though he can't articulate it, and in order to put him into a peaceful state to prepare for death, he needs the morphine. The nurse explained it to us fully and answered all of our questions. It was a very sad night. I talked to him, he nodded in response; Kristi talked to him a little. Mom's pastor, Kevin, came, and her friends Linda & Joyce. Logan had a very hard time and was sobbing. Hannah was oblivious, thankfully.
Of course we do not want Dad to suffer one bit, so we understand the need for the medication. It was saying goodbye to those sad blue eyes that did me in. He knows ... he knows.
Of course we do not want Dad to suffer one bit, so we understand the need for the medication. It was saying goodbye to those sad blue eyes that did me in. He knows ... he knows.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Latest News

This is Mom, Kristi & me ... sadly how it's going to be soon.
So today's news has Dad on morphine now for pain from his bed sores and for shallow breathing. The nurse's report today was not good, and Mark says he has slept almost all day today. Mom seems very discouraged and of course, that trickles down to me. I keep telling my therapist, "we've known this was coming for months now, so why is it like brand new every time he gets worse?" She says nothing can prepare you for the death of a loved one, not even prolonged illness.
I remember when I first got married, driving away toward Virginia Beach after our honeymoon, and feeling a few moments of panic. I loved Artie and had faith in him, but I was thinking, "I'm leaving my Daddy, who is going to protect me now?" I always knew I was safe if Dad was around. Dad was never a macho guy, but I knew he would give his life to protect mine and Kristi's, or Mom's. Obviously Artie did a fine job over the last "100" years, but I'm starting to feel a similar sense of panic. With Dad gone, who is my protector now? There's something very lonely about losing a parent. Parents and siblings are BLOOD. No matter what you do in life or how much you may drift apart, you're still BLOOD and nothing can change it. Now I feel I have one less person in my corner, one piece less of me in the world.
Anyway ... I still have my heavenly Father to lean on - and that's even better than BLOOD.
Monday, April 27, 2009
I haven't blogged in a while ... busy and sad. Dad is still with us, and has spent the last 4 days at the St. Mary's Hospice facility in Halls. It is meant as respite care to give Mom a break for a few days. If you've never been a caregiver, you have no idea what it's like. Kristi and I were very supportive of Mom having a break, plus the hospice nurses all said that he would receive excellent care at the facility (and he has). However, not all of the family has been supportive - some of them downright rude and hateful and I wish them evil. (sorry, but I'm angry) He suffered another stroke yesterday while we were all there and it was hard to see him in that state. We sang to him and he seemed to really enjoy that.
On another note, Logan is going to tour the middle school this week and that of course forces me to think about the fact that he will be ending his elementary school "career" in 4 weeks. I can't stand the thought of him going off to "scary" middle school. It gives me diarrhea. :(
And I have some really big decisions to make work-wise. So I need a lot of prayers.
I'm attaching Dad's latest photo above - it was taken on 4-18-09.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The End Seems Near ...
As I write today I have a lot of conflicted emotions. I'm stressed out, of course, because I'm about to be off work for a week - you know what that means: Get everything on your desk completed and prepare to be snowed under again when you return! And better hope you didn't forget anything, b/c I'll be calling you during your vacation if you did!! AHHHHH But I am definitely looking forward to a week off with Artie & Logan. Our evenings are much too short and we don't get enough time just the 3 of us. We are going to the Great Wolf Lodge near Cincinnati to an indoor water park resort. www.greatwolflodge.com. It looks fabulous. I hope Artie & I can keep up with Logan! We leave Saturday and will return Wednesday, so then I'll have 2 more weekdays off at home to hopefully SCRAP and just enjoy our new house.
Of course my other mixed emotions concern Dad. He has been under hospice home care for about 4 weeks now. This week it seems his liver has begun to shut down and his skin is turning a yellow-tan color. He is less responsive each day, although he still will nod at us or whisper some words. He is almost in the fetal position now and probably weighs about 100 pounds. It is so hard to see him like this, so I know that when his time does come, he will be in a MUCH better place and will not suffer any more. However, Mom, Kristi and I will of course suffer from missing him terribly. Even though he's very ill and mentally deteriorated, he is still HERE - you know? I have been dealing with this in therapy for several weeks and I believe my therapist has very helpful things to say. I am at peace with my Dad, he knows I love him and I know he loves me. I know he's going to heaven, and eventually so will I. I know he lived a good life here - doing what God intended for him to do. I know he loved my mom and sister, and his grandchildren. I haven't said any horrible things to him to regret, or neglected him in his illness. I will just miss him. And that's okay. Grief is a natural part of life, and it's okay to be sad and cry. I am thankful that I had him as my father and thankful that we share the same Heavenly Father so our family does not end with phsyical death.
So, now that I'm crying ONCE AGAIN...
Say a prayer for us.
Of course my other mixed emotions concern Dad. He has been under hospice home care for about 4 weeks now. This week it seems his liver has begun to shut down and his skin is turning a yellow-tan color. He is less responsive each day, although he still will nod at us or whisper some words. He is almost in the fetal position now and probably weighs about 100 pounds. It is so hard to see him like this, so I know that when his time does come, he will be in a MUCH better place and will not suffer any more. However, Mom, Kristi and I will of course suffer from missing him terribly. Even though he's very ill and mentally deteriorated, he is still HERE - you know? I have been dealing with this in therapy for several weeks and I believe my therapist has very helpful things to say. I am at peace with my Dad, he knows I love him and I know he loves me. I know he's going to heaven, and eventually so will I. I know he lived a good life here - doing what God intended for him to do. I know he loved my mom and sister, and his grandchildren. I haven't said any horrible things to him to regret, or neglected him in his illness. I will just miss him. And that's okay. Grief is a natural part of life, and it's okay to be sad and cry. I am thankful that I had him as my father and thankful that we share the same Heavenly Father so our family does not end with phsyical death.
So, now that I'm crying ONCE AGAIN...
Say a prayer for us.
Monday, February 9, 2009
What a weekend. Going to the funeral home to make funeral arrangements for your Dad does not make for a fun-filled Saturday. Mom, Kristi & I handled it pretty well, though, mostly thanks to Kristi's incessant banter trying to keep us from crying. We chose a beautiful black and silver casket, as well as the vault and the register book set. We discussed the music and the photo montage. We discussed the ministers and other more morbid details, such as having a closed casket. I spent some time with Dad on Sunday and it really hit me how close his time is. His main bed sore on his hip is incredibly bad. I don't know how he cannot feel that! The home health nurse says he can't feel it, but he does try to scratch at it. And new sores are developing on his back and his left waist. His weight continues to drop and he is less verbally responsive than ever before. His right leg had already drawn up to his chest; now his left leg is drawing up, as well. His arms and hands are covered in purple necrotic skin areas. It is so hard to see him like this. His eyes are less focused, although he still turns to look when I say "Dad" or "Papaw." His voice seems softer when he does speak. As hard as it is to see him this way, I cannot imagine him physically being gone. At least now I can see him and touch him, speak to him whether he understands me or not. How terribly selfish I am to want him to stay around just for my sake, huh? I can't imagine not having a father here on earth, alive. But I do accept that he will be better off when he passes - in a far, far better place. Please pray for my family, especially Mom, Kristi, and me, as we travel down this road. Even 5 years of illness cannot prepare you for the inevitable last days. Cherish your loved ones every day!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"If I Could Turn Back Time ..."
No, I'm not Cher, but sometimes I wish I could turn back time and do things better... I spent a snow day at home with Logan yesterday, working from home of course, but nevertheless at home with my son on a weekday. I've been wishing over the past several weeks/months that we had chosen to have more children. Maybe we could have immediately after Logan was born, but at our ages, we were worried about keeping up with ONE child, so we didn't do it then and now 10 years have suddenly passed. I worry about Logan being an only child and how we have spoiled him so much. I worry about him not having any brothers or sisters to lean on when he's older, or to play with now. He is so dependent on Artie and me for everything, including entertaining him, and I don't think we do a very good job sometimes. I just have a melancholy feeling that the opportunity has passed to have a bigger family. I wish I could have been more motivated when I worked from home as a transcriptionist. It could have been the perfect set-up, working full-time, but on my own schedule and being more available to my child. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now I suppose.
I have a new scrap class tonight, making a book called True Love. I wanted to do this class because so much of my scrapping is Logan-related or the nieces, all children things. This book will be about me & Artie, from when we met until now, and it will be fun to concentrate on us, what we've been through and where we are today. I am so very blessed to have a husband who still loves me and has really been there for the long haul, raising Logan, helping care for my ailing dad ...I can't believe we've been married 22 years!
I have a new scrap class tonight, making a book called True Love. I wanted to do this class because so much of my scrapping is Logan-related or the nieces, all children things. This book will be about me & Artie, from when we met until now, and it will be fun to concentrate on us, what we've been through and where we are today. I am so very blessed to have a husband who still loves me and has really been there for the long haul, raising Logan, helping care for my ailing dad ...I can't believe we've been married 22 years!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Water Aerobics

I can't believe it. I survived an hour of water aerobics class last night at the Y. Artie, Logan and I all participated and somehow managed to get through it - as unfit as we all are! We re-joined the Y to get into better shape - we are all too heavy and way out of shape. The water aerobics was difficult, but somehow I made it through the whole class. The water was pretty cold! It was 39 degrees outside, but the pool temperature was posted as 81 degrees. Sure didn't feel like 81 degrees. (Well, maybe the last 20 minutes it did!) LOL Anyway, hopefully this will become a weekly thing for us.
Monday, January 26, 2009
I'm Going to be a Great-Aunt!
My beautiful niece Deann just called to say she is pregnant! I am so excited for her. This will be her first and I, for one, hope it's a boy. Logan is the only boy on both sides of the family and he would like another one around! LOL I can't wait to follow her pregnancy and see what the baby is and how everything goes. Please keep her and the baby in your prayers!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Is Anyone Reading my Blog?
I have not received ANY comments on my blog. I'm starting to wonder if anyone is reading it at all. If you are, leave me a comment.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Scrap Room
My scrap room is almost complete at the new house. We were blessed with a nifty attic space off the master closet that was supposed to be just extra storage. However, since it was dry-walled already and had a window, I decided to make it my office & scrap room. It's big, 14 x 20. Artie put down a laminate hardwood floor and baseboard. He still has some trimming out to finish. He installed my work surface and put my bookshelves up. The computer desk is up, too, but it's so messy I didn't photograph it yet. LOL We had an electrician come in and run several electrical outlets, as well as cable and phone in there. Still working on the heating/air, but we'll get there. I love having my own space to create and relax. And having a husband who is working hard to make it such a great space for me. :)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Monday Morning
Well, here it is Monday morning again already. It will be a hectic day, as my boss is going out of town for the rest of the week. He requires lots of help "preparing" before any trips. !! We went to church again yesterday morning with Kristi & Pig. It was good. We went to Mom's for lunch afterwards to celebrate Dad's 66th birthday. He seemed to feel pretty good, laughed at us a couple of times. The highlight of my day was when Mom kept saying Where's Kim? Show me Kim? He finally pointed to me. I almost started crying! He knows me! Woo hoo! We all stayed over there until almost 4:00. Then we went home and Logan, Artie & I watched a couple of movies together.
Logan won another game on Saturday - barely! His team was ahead 14-4 going into the fourth quarter, then the other team came back and it was 14-12. Logan's team scored a couple more times thankfully. I think the final score was 18-16 or 20-18. It was a close game! Logan played very well.
I'm hoping for good news on the house situation this week. I'm so tired of the stress of it always hanging over my head!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Mommy Guilt

So Logan is very sick this morning, throwing up and crying out in stomach pain. And I'm HERE at work, where I ALWAYS am ... the receptionist is out sick so I can't be out too, so Artie is staying home with Logan and taking a day without pay. :( Sometimes working outside the home is not worth the associated guilt. If my child is sick, I need to take care of him! :( I am very sad at the moment.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Ups & Downs

For anyone who doesn't know, we sold our house in September, bought a new house, moved out the first week in November and moved into the new house. A few days before closing was to happen, we were informed that a secondary lien existed on our old house from the people WE bought it from, and now we cannot close until that is resolved. It has been 3+ months now and still no resolution. Several contract extensions, negotiations, and stress headaches later, we are still waiting. Starting today I get to make 2 house payments a month. Woo hoo! Our new house is beautiful and big, but I don't know if it's worth all THIS trouble!!
We had another great family night last night. We watched a Food Network Challenge (addicting) and America's Funniest Home Videos. Artie played basketball with Logan! (I know, I'm passing out, too). I scrapped for about an hour and made a little project with a photo of me and my beloved grandmother. It was a good night - too short like they all are. I dropped my car off this morning for new tires and brakes - just got the call with the bill - $1,100!! Good grief - why did I have to have this BMW again?!?!?
Logan started back to school today after a 2-week holiday break. He was anxious to see some of his friends again. He is so funny - just thinking of his jokes and expressions makes me laugh.
Dad is sleeping a lot the last several days. I hope it's not another step downward. Mom mentioned to me & Kristi today that we may need to consider going to the funeral home to pre-plan some things. I'm glad therapy starts back this week!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Hope ?

We went to church yesterday with Kristi & Pig. Our first time at church in quite a while. We really enjoyed their church and their pastor. Maybe there is some hope left for us after all...
Mom has been sick for several days with the same horrible cold I've had. She was quite down & out this weekend - several days alone with Dad over the holidays and being sick to boot - it has worn her down. We all spent some time with her on Saturday and Sunday, so hopefully that boosted her spirits a little bit. Home Health is now going to be coming once a week to bathe Dad, so that will help Mom as well. It is harder, MUCH harder now, to change his diapers and bathe him because of his leg being contracted. The bed sore on his hip is also getting worse, according to the Home Health nurse. Please keep him and Mom in your prayers.
We had some really great quality family time this weekend, Artie, Logan & I. We played some board games, watched a few movies, and just generally spent time in the same room with each other. It was VERY nice. Made it very hard to drop Logan off this morning and come to work - I didn't want to be separated from my guys. :( But I am very very thankful for the amount of time we spent together.
I am extremely anxious to get this house issue resolved. I am going to call my attorney this morning and get the ball SHOVED in the right direction. It's been over 4 months now and no hint of a resolution yet. Everyone is getting very antsy, including me. I don't like making 2 house payments, either!
I'm going to make this a good day - even though I'd much rather be home than here.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Well, I'm back at work today, barely. I've been on the couch or in the bed for the past 2 days, what a total waste of days off!! :( Artie did manage to get all of our stuff out of storage, bless his heart. And he did work on my scrapbook room - it's almost done. We did not work on the spare room. I did take MANY naps and tried to watch 2-3 movies with Logan, but slept through most of them. This cold is kicking my butt. I'm glad it's the weekend again!
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