About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Annual Review

Warning: This is a depressing post. Sorry in advance!

It’s almost time for my annual review at the sweatshop. I dread this every year, because BB (big boss) is a master of psychology and somehow I walk out thinking I’ve really talked him into something great - when in actuality he’s talked me into a decrease in pay and longer hours (or something like that).

What I really want to tell him is that I am tired. I have lost my motivation. While others in the office are thinking of career advancement, attending seminars, and a heavier caseload, all I can think of is early retirement.

Can I just ask for shorter hours this year? Or a few Fridays off? Or time for doctor’s appointments without complaints? A raise in pay would be great, but it’s just not my #1 priority right now. I’m burned out. I’m exhausted ALL the time. I literally count down the hours until I’m home again with Artie & Logan. On the weekends, I barely want to leave the house because I crave the home time so badly.

Yes, I realize there is more going on with me than job dissatisfaction. I am going through an apparently prolonged phase in my life where I have so much regret over the choices that brought me to where I am right now, work-wise. Poor Artie has to listen to me complain, cry, and fume much more than he should have to.

Even though I work for a notoriously difficult person, it is not all his fault that I feel this way. It’s not his fault that I want to be at home. It’s not his fault that I made choices I have made. It’s not his fault that I have allowed him to usurp more and more of my time over the years. I need to set some boundaries and take some of my life back, but it’s hard at this point. I’ve worked for BB for since 1996 (except for my work-at-home experiment) and habits are established. On some days he treats me very well, I have to give him credit for that.

I have a beautiful office. I park in a covered garage attached to my building. I have great co-workers and a very interesting array of cases to work on. I am thankful to even have a job in these hard economic times.

But how do you tell your boss that even though you’re so grateful for your job, and so appreciative of your salary and benefits, what you really want is just more home time? BB is a workaholic. His kids are grown and gone. He gets bored at home without work to do. He hates to take vacations. How do I get him to see that I am desperate for my own family time and craving an afternoon to myself now and then?

(sigh) I really dread this review.


  1. Whether they post a comment or not, I think a LOT of folks feel the same way.
    -- Kristi

  2. Did he ever wanna spend time with his children when they were smaller...surely he still remmebers the importance of it for you or anyone else...If you have been there that long he should listen...and even understand...whether or not he will do what you want...it may not happen...but trying never hurts! :-)

    I agree with Kristi - most people get where you are at some point...well women anyway!

  3. Kim I agree with the other post.Ive always said there are 2 answers yes or no.If you never ask you will never know.I have asked things got the no answer so ok and ive asked got the yes answer.People say how did you do that i just asked.Its not a crime to ask for things in a right manner.I dont know who you have to deal wiht but just take him a cup of coffee if he likes that and say do you have time to talk a bit.Tell him what you need and see if that can work in his and your sch.Maybe you can come up with some type of deal.Dosent hurt to ask.If not then the only thing i tell others is to find something that will make you happy no one can get you out of a situation but yourself..How I wish we had some jobs around here that i could do that .Cant right now since no jobs available.Its 120 in the summer and you die and its freezing in the winter .No air and no heat.Nasty job but someone got to do it lol would love to get out and go to a normal job.It want be in supervision thats for sure so burned out on it and to old to listen to the crap.lol Good Luck.LOve Cheryl
