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I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Haunted Forest

I am very excited about the Clinton Highway Haunted Forest, which is produced by Dante Baptist Church every year. It opens this weekend, and then runs again next Wednesday through Halloween. It is always such a fun time.
Back before Logan came along, I used to be a regular fixture at the Haunted Forest, and took great pride in being in charge of the forest guides. I had special Halloween outfits and jewelry, and really enjoyed leading group after group through the scary woods every night. It was great exercise, too! And the Haunted Forest will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart because it was during the week of the forest in 1997 that Logan was conceived. Hmmm ... that suddenly makes a lot of sense to me, why he can be so SCARY. ha ha ha ha
Now that I'm old, my favorite part of the Haunted Forest is the concession stand. They always have the BEST burgers, petros, hot dogs, and homemade desserts! And I think I saw fried Twinkies there last year! The KiddieLand area is always really cute, with games for the kids and prizes. And the bonfire at the center of the forest is always filled with people, sometimes singing, sometimes just eating and enjoying the show. The scariest part of the forest is the RIDE up there and back on the back of a hay truck. Depends on the driver, I guess. I always prefer to ride with Phillip Murphy, the pastor. He's the safest!
If you live in Knoxville, you should definitely come by and support the church's annual fundraiser. It's a lot of fun, great food, and even a witnessing segment as you leave.
Here is a Facebook link for more info:

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