About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Medical Issues

I am currently dealing with several medical issues. Hopefully none of them are serious, but the combination of them is really wearing me down! I still have three small “holes” that have not healed from my plastic surgery back in March (yes, 7 months ago)! I went back to the surgeon this week and discovered that at least one of those holes was actually a stitch abscess (an underlying stitch trying to poke through the skin). He removed the stitch, which was approximately 2 inches long, and cleaned the area. He said it should definitely close up now. The other two areas did not have visible stitches, but he did inspect and clean them thoroughly. Hopefully I will eventually have NO open areas from this surgery. What a relief that will be!
My primary care doctor is sending me to a hematologist/oncologist next month for an elevated platelet level. This is an area of some debate, as my plastic surgeon thinks my platelets are perfectly normal – especially for someone who had major surgery a few months ago and still has healing wounds. Any time you are referred to a specialist with the word “oncology” in the title, it is a scary thing. Apparently my primary care doctor is more concerned about possible blood clots and strokes than he is about leukemia or blood malignancies. Either way it’s just something else to worry about.
I am still struggling with my eye issue, the neovascularization that I posted about in a previous blog. I am now on a medication called Restasis, which is supposed to eventually heal me to a level where I can wear my contacts again.
I have somehow managed to injure my tailbone. When I visited the doctor about it, he did x-rays and an exam and did not see any fractures or bone injury. He said there are many ways you can injure a tailbone – by sitting down too hard, by sitting in one spot too long, by falling and landing on it, etc. I do not remember doing any of these things, unless it was sitting too long on a road trip. However, it is a VERY painful problem to have. Anytime I sit for more than 10-15 minutes, I have excruciating pain in my tailbone. Church and the movies are big culprits. My recliner at home is not even comfortable. I am sitting on a donut pillow under the doctor’s orders (which Logan finds hysterically funny). This is one of those things that can “take several months to heal,” according to the doctor. Yippee.
And I will be having my wisdom teeth removed in a couple of weeks because two of them are impacted. I have been having quite significant toothaches recently. My dentist recommended that these teeth come out, even though most people my age don’t bother with it if they still have them.
With all of these things going on, it is probably not surprising that I feel tired and run-down most of the time. I can’t believe how much older I feel. Please keep me in your prayers. I don’t want to be whiny or depressed; I just want to feel better!


  1. Kim I hope you start feeling better soon and i heard ya''ll were coming to corn st this weekend.We will make you feel better.Wills party is at the skating rink sat 5 till 7 and if you feel like it ya'll are more then welcome to come would love to have ya'll.If not we will see you when we get home heard we were having a gathering here so let me know what i need to fix it will be abut 8 before i actually get out there but looking forward to it.I told stacy and i think they are coming here for a bit after the party.can't wait we all need a bit of fun.Love ya;ll and becareful coming here.

  2. My goodness, Kim! I will be praying for you...You have a reason to be whiney if you ask me...but I know what you are saying ;-)

    Love ya!

  3. Thinking of you and hope you start feeling better soon!
