About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Don't I Feel Silly...

If you read my post yesterday, please forgive my naivete! Apparently my faith in my son was undeserved. He IS the guilty party. Let me just say life is going to be very rough for him for a few weeks. No xbox, no phone, no iPad, no computer...and more.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow sorry was really giving him the benefit of the doubt since so much is really going on here with bad stuff from hackers.Sorry to hear this but i had sent you a post before seeing this one.But at least you found out the truth and he will understand you are serious and he has to be held responsiable.Also dont feel bad for that post cause this will happen to when your child tells you things cause we all want tobelieve our children until proven different.Been there to and stacy has had some severe grounding for not telling the truth.Teen yrs are rough.Love you
