About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fighting Your Child's Battles

I have such a hard time staying out of Logan’s “battles” and letting him fight them for himself! One of Logan’s very close friends recently had their Facebook account hacked. A very nasty, vulgar post showed up on their wall as if they had posted it. However, they are claiming that Logan posted it while logged in under their name. Logan swears to me that he did not do it. His tight-knit group of about 10 friends seems to be split in their opinions, about 70% believing Logan and about 30% siding with his other friend.

I called the friend’s mom and explained to her that I was aware of the situation and that I had “interrogated” Logan about it and felt sure that he was telling me the truth and that he did not do this. I told her I was not naïve enough to believe that my son is an angel, but that I believe he is being honest with me about this issue. She was very kind and friendly and said she did not outright blame anyone. They were upset by what was posted, but they immediately took it down and asked their son to change all of his security settings.

I am so upset that any of Logan’s friends would even think him capable of this, and even so, that some of them still don’t believe him when he proclaims his innocence. I know I cannot get involved in the friendship highs and lows of young teens, but it hurts me for him. He is really hurt that his friend doesn’t believe him. And of course, if he hurts, I hurt.

My therapist tells me that I am not doing him any favors by trying to protect him from all of life’s stings and fighting his battles for him. Apparently it is good for him to learn how to navigate these issues of life and friendship. However, when my child hurts, I do not like it and it brings out the “Mama Bear” in me. I'm so sad that my child is sad. :(

1 comment:

  1. Kim raising Stacy and going through such things i understand how you feel.We are here to protect our children and it is natural .Im sure this will pass and they will make up.Unfortuanately there will be many more to come.I use to tell stacy when she was small and she and friends playing would get mad and come tattling this one want play with me or they hit me or ms cheryl stacy hit me and so on.I tell them to go back outside and wrk it out cause if we got involved then 15 min later they were playing again and we looked stupid.lol But as she got older it got worse cause the kids were older and different.We will never stop putting our noses in our kids affairs I still do and Stacy is married.Its the protectiveness in our blood and we will fight anyway we can to protect them.But with Logn situation now its not him there has been obscene stuff on my wall and other friends walls recently alot of people posting on here if we get something from them they didnt send it i even posted this.Went to a friend page the other day and a nasty video pic was on her page .She would never do this so i contacted her and she went and took it off her page .A hacker is getting on your fb and sending stuff to everyone in your list they can .But it shows it is from you.The post we have been seeing sorry is a womans private with a mans thing going in and out this is without opening the video just the pic it shows.Tell him they will see and come around cause the hacker is probley in theirs now since they sent it to them.Tell him they will come around but he really should ask them why they felt he would do this to him if they were really his friends.Kids can be so cruel.Hope it works out ok.
