So I was really complaining yesterday about the cats getting into our Christmas trees. Logan came home from school and found half the ornaments, and the NEW tree topper from my pink & white tree, in a trail down the stairs and throughout the house. I was SO mad. They have already messed up the dining room tree and pulled half the garland off! I was furious.
Then I get home and find out that somehow Frosty has injured (maybe broken) his leg somehow yesterday. He can barely walk. He takes two steps and lies down. He howls in pain. We spent most of the night holding him in our laps and trying to gently probe around to see if we could feel a break or a knot. We couldn't find the exact source of the pain. Artie thinks it's in the hip area.
So off to the vet this morning. Artie's new schedule will give him a couple of free hours this morning before classes, so he is taking Frosty to the vet to see if there's a serious injury.
I'm still mad at the cats, but I don't want them to be hurt THAT bad!
Oh no...that is sad, but too funny! I would be ready to beat those cats myself!!!