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I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Monday, September 19, 2011

25th Anniversary Trip Ideas

Our 25th wedding anniversary is coming up in December. 25 years is a LONG time and we are very blessed to have made it through all those years of sickness, health, good times & bad. For our honeymoon 25 years ago, we went to Gatlinburg to stay in a chalet. Once we arrived there, we realized that Artie's wallet had been stolen at the church DURING our wedding ceremony. (He took it out of his pants and left it in the men's dressing room because he didn't want an unsightly bulge in his back pocket during the ceremony). You just have to know Artie.
Anyway, we stayed in the chalet for 3 nights and then went to SC for a few days to visit with his family before we headed off to Virginia Beach to begin our married life. We had a great time at the chalet and it was very romantic, but it was a very short honeymoon and we were much more "broke" than we planned because of his missing wallet.
For our 25th anniversary, I really wanted to take a trip, just the two of us, to somewhere fabulous and have a second honeymoon. However, as is prone to happen, life just isn't working out to accommodate my plans!
Our anniversary is on December 6th, which is a Tuesday this year. We can't go anywhere that particular week because Artie will still be in school, finishing up fall quarter. Logan doesn't get out of school for winter break until December 23rd, so we really would need to plan our trip while he is out of school. That way Mom wouldn't have to rearrange her entire work/life schedule to take him to school every day.
However, that means we would have to take a trip over Christmas or New Year's. There are a few problems with that, as well. #1, travel during those 2 weeks is apparently very popular and therefore, VERY expensive. Flights to the Bahamas are three times more during those two weeks than any other week. Hotels are more expensive, as well. #2, missing the Christmas gatherings would NOT be a popular idea with either of our families; #3, if Logan is out of school for winter break, how guilty would we feel going somewhere fabulous and leaving him with MOM? I mean, Mom is great, but I'm sure Logan would not be thrilled to spend several days with his grandmother while we are lying on a beach somewhere; #4, I am not even sure I can get off work during that time frame because of course, everyone at the office wants days off around Christmas, and others in the office have to travel out-of-state for family just like I do. In a small firm like ours, it is very difficult for 2 or 3 people to be gone at the same time.
We have been scratching our heads trying to figure out a solution for this problem for several weeks now. We had really hoped to go to Atlantis in the Bahamas, but we really don't want to go there (for the very first time) without Logan. He has wanted to go there for ages. We thought of going back to Virginia Beach, where our married life began, but in December that is not exactly a "tropical" location. The timing, the location, the costs .... nothing is easy with this trip. I mean, 25 years deserves something special, right??!?
Any ideas out there?

1 comment:

  1. Kim this is where you think of a romantic place for ya'll to go for a weekend.Somewhere you have not been .Logan will be fine and next time if you like it then you take him back there.Don't feel guilty about leaving him.You two deserve a nice weekend getaway.Kenny and i went to savannah back in may had a ball and then went back a couple weeks ago .Loved it can't wait to go back.I love old stuff and this has a lot of old houses and so much to do .Still got to go back havent even put a dent in what i want to see and do there.It is pricey but 10 min out of town and the rooms are alot cheaper.If you like historical things you will like it.Tybee Island is 20 min away with a light house to tour plus a beach and more to do.You may not like it but i love it there and cant wait to go back.It dosent matter if you take an earlier honeymoon or a later one.Just planning it together is fun.Hope you have a great time deciding.Cheryl- oh saving now i want to go in march for st patricks day heard it s alot of fun.
