About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

To STEM or Not to STEM

STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering & Math.
There is a new high school in Knoxville and it is located in the old L&N Train Station in the downtown area. They are having a contest to actually name the school, but it is currently referred to as the “STEM Academy.” The STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering & Math. This is the first school of its kind in Knoxville or the region, and will have a stronger focus on those four subjects. There is also a higher technology focus, with students using iPads instead of textbooks. During the last two years of high school, the students will integrate with the UT campus and actually participate in college courses and internships.

Logan wants to go to the STEM Academy.

And you know that whenever Logan wants something, Kim & Artie try to make it happen.
Before I start filling out transfer papers and taking the steps to actually move him to the STEM Academy for his high school career (which amazingly starts next year!), I have taken a step back and am trying to give this much prayer and consideration. I usually just jump at Logan’s wishes and plow full-steam ahead. The STEM Academy and its rigorous curriculum and innovative style of teaching & learning will be a huge commitment, however, and I want to make sure we are ready for that – and that it is what Logan really wants.

One of the issues I am concerned about is Logan’s circle of friends. At least one of them is also hoping to transfer to STEM. Logan has a very close circle of about 8 friends that do everything together. They are on Xbox together every night, they socialize together, they have classes together, they text and talk on the phone. Logan is very dependent on this group of friends. He doesn’t like making new friends – he wants to keep his same tight circle. We have had a very hard time trying to get him involved with the youth at church or any other group or individual kid outside his circle.

I am concerned that the transition to such a different school atmosphere, in addition to not having his security blanket of friends around, may be too much for Logan to handle. He is a very bright kid and makes mostly A’s, a few B’s. He would be straight-A if he really applied himself, but he prefers to be A’s, B’s, and the class clown. He worries about his weight a lot and he often tells me about his circle of friends, “Mom, they know I’m fat and they don’t care. They like me anyway.” There are so many things wrong with that sentiment, but I don’t even want to dive into his psyche in this post!

I want what is best for Logan, as every mom wants for her child. Is it best to push him academically and encourage this STEM pursuit, while risking his emotional security? Or is it more important for him to excel in honors courses at a regular high school and stay in his comfort zone with his friends? High school is such a hard age – navigating friendships and too soon, dating, is hard enough without throwing additional obstacles in their paths.

While I wait for answers from God and continue to discuss this to death with Artie & Logan, I’d love to hear any of your input on the subject. What is best?


  1. Kim you know what he can do with his scores in school.Don't let him do it just because he wants to but with what you are saying he is very smart.I think that if you choose this school he will make new friends and can still stay in contact with the old ones.This is going to be something that you all have to discuss together with the pros and cons of it.You are a very good mother and Artie is a good dad so i know you all will make the right choice with the help of God.Cheryl

  2. Kiersten wants to go to STEM next year too....I want to find out more about it first - my biggest concern is the transport and with 2 kids having to be at different places at different times it makes it a little harder
