About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Those Jogger People!

For any of you who are runners, or joggers, or speed walkers, God bless you. I admire your motivation and your athleticism. But it is really depressing to see you every day as I drive home from work or even worse, drive TO work, making me look bad. You always have on some coordinating jogging outfit designed for the best aerodynamics or whatever, but to me it just accentuates the lean muscles I don't have. And I have an iPod, too, thank you very much - but I don't have the add-on contraption that monitors my heart rate or counts my footsteps while I listen to the music. Men, I appreciate the glistening, well-defined chest muscles as you jog shirtless, but the glistening comes from sweat, which I REALLY don't like to do, and it makes me feel guilty seeing others so brazenly sweating in public.

I finally saw a, well I'll call her an exercise walker, who was more my speed this week. She was probably about 40 pounds overweight and her walking shorts kept rolling up between her legs as she walked. She would take a few steps and have to pull them out, take a few more steps ... you get the picture. She was not only sweating, but her face was beet-red and she looked as if she might pass out at any moment. I actually wanted to stop and offer her a ride. (I didn't).

I've even seen the super-dedicated all-weather joggers. They are like the Post Office, they run rain, snow, sleet or hail. It doesn't matter if their $200 jogging shoes are squishing in puddles. They somehow find warm clothes to run in that "wick away" the sweat underneath. They don't need umbrellas - they're too tough for that!
I always wanted to love exercise, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm still waiting. I love finishing an exercise or a workout. I love subscribing to exercise & fitness magazines. I love buying yoga pants. But I do not love seeing well-toned dedicated joggers who remind me of who I really am - the girl whose best sport in school was tug-of-war. ;)

(Images from iclipart.com (user subscription))

1 comment:

  1. Now this...cracks me up! I love when I am finished exercising, too...I feel better about myself and it means it will be a while before I have to do it again!

    Several months back, Drew and I started that P90X work out...it killed me and I didn't finish...but I saw such fast results! All of which are gone now since I have redeveloped my love for junk food :-)

    I remember knowing each day that I had to exercise at some point...and I would be soo moody until it was done!

    I wish I could do better, but who knows when I will even find the down time to scrapbook...much less exercise?!?!?!?!?

