About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Blog Prize Giveaway

In an effort to see if anyone is actually reading my blog, I am having a blog prize giveaway. The prize is a $25.00 Target gift card. If you would like to be entered in the contest, please leave a comment below with your name & how to contact you. I will have Logan draw a name out of the "hat" on Sunday evening and will announce the winner on Monday. Happy Reading!


  1. How many times per day can I enter? :-)

  2. Ha! So, you're buying your reader? Works for me! My name is Sara...to reach me, simply yell "Sara!"

  3. I read your blog :)I'm just not a big commentor - which I know I should be because I'm always wishing people would comment on my blog.....

  4. Yes, I AM buying my readers! LOL Yvette, I read your blog, too. I think I'll put a link to yours on mine. :)

  5. I love reading your blog you are such an inspiration to me and this it not to win lol you really are and its always interesting.Love you Cheryl (corn st family).

  6. This is pig and when I win the 25 dollar gift card you can blog that.

  7. I read every single one of your blogs!! My impression? They are so Kim. :) You are an amazing writer and can put your heart and emotions into words in such a way that people feel what you are saying. Don't put my name in the hat, just know I read pe-cause (Linda's grandkids invented that word) I want to!!!! Love, Mitzi

  8. Great blog and wonderful idea. It's a great way to share!!! Awesome! Thanks again for the clothes...I've gotten lots of compliments on them! =) Stacy (originally from corn st.)

  9. Hello dear. I think its cute that you are blogging :)

  10. Love your blogs! You have so many talents! Proud of you:))) Love you, Deann
