About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Vivid Dream

So Friday night I had one of those vivid dreams, the kind where you wake up confused and wondering how you got back to your bedroom, in your bed, because you could have sworn you were just .... somewhere else.
I actually woke up crying, and Artie was shaking me and saying "Kim, Kim?" I had dreamed that we were at an outdoor gospel concert somewhere in Halls. I recognized some landmarks of Halls, but there is no amphitheater in Halls like I saw in my dream. There were several groups singing, groups I remember from the Dunsmore days. Suddenly Dad was beside me, dressed in a suit like he was ready to sing. He took my hand (which he NEVER would have done in real life, so I should have known I was dreaming!) He started singing to me, and the background noise of the ongoing concert faded into the background. He was singing in his beautiful voice the words to "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus..." " ... Just to take Him at His word, just to rest upon His promise, just to know thus sayeth the Lord." It was Dad's voice, clear as a bell. It was one of his suits that I remember. I don't know why he was holding my hand, but he was THERE! I mean it was like he was right beside me! He started to walk away, but I could still hear him singing very clearly. I started to cry and run after him in my dream, but he kept walking away. At one point he turned back to look at me, and he was still singing, but then he turned and kept walking away until he was out of sight. I think that's why I was crying when I woke up, because I was crying after him in the dream. I was so very sad when I woke up and realized it was a dream. It took me over an hour to go back to sleep and I still cried during that time. I'm crying now as I write this for you. It was just so real! I know others have had dreams like that. I felt like maybe he was trying to tell me something - like, DUH, Trust In Jesus! Right?!? As I finally drifted back off to sleep early Saturday morning, I felt/saw Mamaw standing at the foot of my bed. She was holding her purse, of all things, and was in a church dress. (She always carried her purse the same way, and she was holding it just that way). She didn't smile or cry or say anything to me. She held out her hand and I wanted to take it SO badly!!! I wanted her to take me to Dad, and to her, and to Jesus most of all. But then she turned her head toward Logan's room as if to remind me I had at least one very big reason to stay here. And when I thought of Logan, I didn't want to go with her anymore. It was such an emotional dream sequence and I've thought about it all weekend. I don't know why we have dreams or visions, or thoughts like these. I don't know why it's so hard to think of these loved ones. I know that Dad and Mamaw are both in heaven, along with many other loved ones who have passed on. They are so happy there, and I will see them soon enough. I just felt like sharing this with you. Maybe it's for someone else, too, besides me, who needs to be reminded to Trust In Jesus. Hopefully I'll have a few dreamless nights this week, or dream of sand dollars or sugar plums. I don't know if my heart can take another vivid dream like this one for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Why do you get all the meaningful dreams and all I get are dreams of getting lost at school trying to find my locker, lol!!! Ok, I had to make a joke so I wouldn't cry. hm, hm.
