About this blog

I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment I am writing. Sometimes I may share too much information for your taste, or talk about a topic you find boring or uncomfortable. I'm just sharing my thoughts & experiences as honestly as I can, and would love your feedback, good or bad.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Corn Street

Corn Street is a tiny dead-end street in Union, South Carolina, where Artie is from. His parents, brothers and sister all live on this street, which makes it very easy to see everyone when we go for a visit. There is another couple on the street, Cheryl & Kenny, who might as well be family.
Corn Street is a happenin' place. For only 4 homes (technically one actually has a Lockhart Hwy address, but who's counting), there is never a dull moment - although things have slowed down quite a bit since Ronnie Burris passed away last year. Ronnie is our niece, Bailey's, dad, and he also lived on the famous Corn Street. He was quite a character, and is greatly missed by all of us.
A Corn Street gathering is literally a street party. Since it's a dead-end, we can set up tables or water slides or whatever we want at the end of the street and have a big party. We've had cookouts, bonfires, Easter egg hunts, memorials, karaoke nights, you name it. There's always a ton of good food, a lot of laughs, and fun for the kids up to the grandparents.
Corn Street is legendary. Occasionally the police may have been called ...
One of my favorite Corn Street memories was a couple of Halloweens ago when we were telling ghost stories to all the kids (Logan, Bailey, Mackenzie and a whole gang of their friends), and then Monty, Artie's brother, ran out & scared the pooky out of the kids! I've never seen 8-10 year olds so scared in all my life.
Another good memory was when we were shooting fireworks, which we do every Christmas, and one of them flew in the door and burned a hole in my BRAND NEW velour track suit I had just gotten the day before for Christmas!

I am very blessed to have the Davis family for my in-laws. To me they are blood after all these years, and I always enjoy spending time on Corn Street with them. They make me laugh and relax and just enjoy good family time. And Logan loves to spend time with his cousins!

This is a typical Corn Street gathering. Tables, food, lots of family & friends.

And there is ALWAYS a bonfire! Logan likes to be the fire-keeper. He has been trained by Monty, which makes me a little nervous.

This was a rough night on Corn Street. We sent balloons up in the air as a memorial for Ronnie Burris. He was like the "Mayor of Corn Street," and he & Papoo (Artie's Dad) could tell you EVERY single thing that happened on that street and any others nearby. Now Papoo has to handle the street by himself. ;)

This was our annual Easter egg coloring event. We color eggs and then hide about 200 to 300 of them. The kids love it. Logan was sad this year he felt "too old" to participate, so he helped the youngest, Braylyn, to find her eggs.

The shady porch at Mumma & Papoo's (Artie's parents). This is the gossip spot and the point from which we survey all the goings-on.

This is the only traffic allowed on Corn Street during a "shindig." Mumma is pushing Braylyn around in her car. Since this photo, Braylyn now pushes Mumma around, or over. lol

This was karaoke time and the kids were playing musical chairs to some of Cheryl's karaoke music.

Logan & me at the Corn Street Luau. That was a lot of fun. Deann and I LOVE to theme our parties, don't we?

This is Artie's sister & brother, along with Patti's grand-daughter, Braylyn. I can't believe we are a GREAT-AUNT & UNCLE!

And here's Miss Cheryl leading the conga line. :)

No, Artie is not putting money in my shirt. We were having a great time here. Nobody throws a party like Corn Street, that's for sure.

Here are the Corn Street Kids - clean version.

And here they are - dirty version.

Looking forward to the next Corn Street Shindig!


  1. Love this post. I didn't know half this stuff about Corn Street. Glad you're so close to the Davises. It's good to have great in-laws. :-)

  2. Wow you have summed up corn st very well.I love doing the corn st shin digs with all of you and we do feel like family.I miss burris alot and finding out all the gossip from him and papoo.We havent done much this summer and I think before it gets cold and yall are coming down we need to plan a end of summer blast.Just let me know when you are coming.Will get it together.You know we dont see ya'll alot and wished i did would love to get to know you better and be closer then we are.I think you are such a special person and think of you as a friend as well as family.That was really nice of you to send stacy those dresses it really tickled her when she got them.You know I think the world of Patty and Bailey and try to be there for them all I can.Love the whole corn st gang which is the Davis family .Glad to have a second family .LOve ya'll

  3. oh my word...glad I don't live on that street...you all would probably scare me to death! I am so scared when Drew is gone when I hear things...lol! I have left at 1am in the morning before (in 2011, unfortunately so I haven't outgrown it!)and headed to Granmom's to spend the night when Drew has been gone...and yep...that means hauling my poor children with me!

    I can see you all moving to SC some time...you seem to really love it!
